Police advisory given at East Penn Township meeting
The East Penn Township police, via the supervisors' meeting on Monday, urged residents not to keep valuable items in their vehicles and to be sure to lock vehicles.
The office will be closed Oct. 3-5.An executive session was held prior to the meeting to discuss possible litigation.Loretta Smith, in public comment, thanked the supervisors for blacktopping Blue Mountain Road. She said the yellow lines on Summer Mountain need redoing since they are so pale they cannot be seen when there is fog.Roadmaster Cory Smith will check the road.Joe Ehritz said there was serious flooding on Lochner Road. A retention pond in the mobile home park does not retard the runoff and he anticipates it will damage the road which should have been fixed by the developer.Hollow Road, which has been patched, needs the shoulders cut to prevent water running down the road and loosening the patches.Ehritz asked if the supervisors intended to enforce the case against Troxell. It has been ongoing since 1999.The zoning officer visited the site and told Troxell what was wrong. At the garage he needed a permit or a six-foot fence and it would be OK. Concrete stacked up at the community center is a "gray area." An alley behind the garage, Maple Alley, is parked full of trucks preventing residents from parking behind their homes.Solicitor Jim Nanovic will contact the owner of the Troxell property, Robert Balliet, who lives in Florida.The Doris Goodhile, Arnold and Bonita Loch lot line adjustment received a recommendation of conditional rejection from the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission. It needs a zoning variance and a revised plan. It gave a six-months extension to May 18, 2013.Bids for used equipment: a truck at $2,101, Crown Victoria at $400 and a ground utility bucket at $105 were opened. If the bids are accepted the buyer will have to pay transfer fees.A discussion draft for the pole-building land the fire company wants was tabled until November because supervisors just received the draft and had not had time to go over it.The Central Carbon Regional Comprehensive Plan asked member municipalities if they wanted to update zoning and subdivision ordinances for consistency among plan members. There is no interest in doing so.Trick or Treat will be Oct. 31, 6-8 p.m.The planning commission meeting for Oct. 15 has been cancelled.Budget dates are set for Oct. 16 and 24, Nov. 1, 15, 20, and 28 as needed. They will be held at the municipal building, 7 p.m.The end of year meeting will be held Dec. 20, 5 p.m. at the social hall.