Weissport Borough Council irked by large piles of trash
Three instances of large piles of trash placed along the curb and not being picked up by the contracted trash collector were cited by Weissport Borough Council on Monday.
In one case, a private hauler was hired by the resident to pick up the items.In a second case, it is believed the objects, which included TVs, may have been stuffed into a garage.The third case is on Bridge Street, the main thoroughfare of the community which is also Route 209, where an individual or family apparently moved from their apartment. As a result, a sofa and many other items have been placed at the curb for trash pickup.The problem, said borough secretary/treasurer Jillyann Sterling, is that the present garbage contract limits the amount of trash placed at the curb to two containers per residence.Council members said the trash collector has been taking more than two items in many cases, but they are not even touching such piles during the weekly pickup.Council President Gene Kershner said the trash collector won't pick up TVs and computers. Government regulations prohibit garbage collectors from disposing of TVs, computers and other items containing mercury at landfills.TVs and computers must be disposed of at recycling centers.One man in the audience asked how people are supposed to get rid of old television sets.Sterling said sometimes there are recycling dates announced throughout the county, but often there is a fee.The council said getting rid of vehicle tires is another problem since they also can't be put out with regular trash collection.Councilman Arland Moyer said not only is the garbage being piled at curbside, but in one case there were people rummaging through it, and as a result, "there was garbage all over the area."Mayor Jonathan Troutman said another reason that garbage was strewn about, referring to the instance mentioned by Moyer, is that "none of it was packaged." He said the debris was so bad that "you couldn't even get through the alley. The alley was blocked.""Had they (the trash collector) taken everything, it would have filled the whole truck," he said.Kershner said if the trash on Bridge Street is still at curbside after Tuesday, police will be notified.