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Gilbert Legion remembers those who have served

American Legion Post 927 Commander Danny Insalata welcomed the visitors and veterans who filled the room at the Memorial Day ceremony in Gilbert.

“This is wonderful, we haven’t had the room filled like this in several years,” he said.

State Rep. Jack Rader, R-Monroe, asked everyone to remember the ones who have served and died to preserve our freedom.

“As we celebrate their lives, and honor the commitment they made to preservation of freedom and our American way of life, we offer our thanks, understanding it will never be enough. In closing, May God bless each of you,” he said.

Kristine Bush, chief of staff from state Sen. Mario Scavello’s office, spoke on behalf of the senator.

“Memorial Day is not about battles, faults or a hill taken. It is about ordinary people making extraordinary sacrifices and the families they left behind. Men and woman that gave what Abraham Lincoln called in 1863, the last full measure.”

After the roll call, closing and benediction the ceremony concluded, and the veterans and guests went outside for the placement of the wreath, raising of the flag, honor guard salute and taps.

Insalata shared thoughts on being a member of the Legion. He said he believes finding Post 927 saved him.

“I was in the service from 1984 to 1992 and then when I got home I got a job and was married and had kids,” he said.

He also said he felt like something was missing in his life and he was just going through the motions.

Then a friend asked him to come to one of the meetings.

“When I walked in the door, I immediately had this feeling of coming home. I can’t explain it, but I could actually feel a warm feeling in my chest,” he said.

Now he takes pride in helping others to cope with returning to civilian life. “It is like coming home to your family,” Insalata said.

State Rep. Jack Rader speaks to the crowd about the sacrifices men and women make to keep us safe. AMY LEAP/TIMES NEWS
American Legion Post 927 Commander Danny Insalata leads the veterans and guests in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The raised flags flew at the end of the Memorial Day ceremony.
Commander Danny Insalata and Sergeant at Arms James Gracemere solemnly stand in front of the wreath as the honor guard salutes the lives lost protecting America.