Published May 29. 2021 07:26AM
Surprise: “Two wheels are safer than four wheels on off-road riding” per Johns Hopkins study.
Researchers found that after reviewing the data on more than 60,000 patients, ATV crashes were 50% more likely to die from their injuries. There’s a belief that four wheels must be safer but “we found the opposite was true” per Cassandra Villegas, MPH research fellow at Johns Hopkins Center for Surgery Trials outcomes.
Too many kids are getting seriously hurt riding these machines. They are getting faster, even the youth sized ones. ATVs can be unstable, hard to control, lack lateral stability and crush protection. Operating an ATV requires coordination, strength, skill and quick thinking in response to the environment. One mistake can be life-changing. Seen that.
The most common injuries were from being thrown off, followed by a crash and rollover. Injuries that may occur include bruises, facial trauma, fractures, head and neck injury and concussions.
Children are not developmentally ready (brain/body) below age 16. They are for off-road use. In our area people can be seen riding/driving them on back roads, side of the road, parking lots, private farm fields, lawns and crossing the highway. Pennsylvania is ranked in the top 10 for ATV accidents. Be alert. You and your insurance company will be paying If you hit someone with your vehicle.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends children under age 16 not be allowed to operate or ride on an ATV. Many people are not aware of the guidance of the Pediatric Academy, or do not care. I came across many uploaded photos people had shared and posted on the internet of happy, smiling children and adults before their ATV-related fatalities. A sobering reality check on life. But, then, it is a free country.
Debra Becker
RN, Retired