Published December 26. 2013 05:00PM
Santa Claus paid a visit to the children who attend St. Paul's Lutheran Church Sunday School on Saturday to deliver some early Christmas presents and pick up some last minute requests. Thechildren also had brunch and played games at their annual Christmas party on Saturday morning.Pictured with Santa are (front row, from left): Draeton Ferguson, Matthew Ferguson,Arianna Julianno, Santa Claus, Kathryn Wargo, Caydense Smith, Molly Newton, Liana Jones, Natalie Vermillion. (Back row, from left): Bradley Hood, Joshua Faenza, Abbey Vermillion, Stephen Hood, Emily Newton. Missing from photo are Alex Romankow, Brody Vermillion, Natalie Romankow and Julia Romankow.
Katie Wargo/special to the Times news