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A look back: Sept. 19, 1983

Installation of officers of St. Ann’s Council of Catholic Women, Lansford, was held Wednesday night, with Peggy Schaeffer, past president, serving as the installing officer.

The new officers are Catherine Davis, president; Mary Ellen McCall, vice president; Frances Cerimele, secretary; and Mary Papesh, treasurer.

Outgoing officers are Rebecca Coury, president; Helen McGorry, vice president; Cathy McArdle, secretary; and Mildred Barrett, treasurer.

In addition to the new officers, serving on the executive committee will be Jo Shober, Jane Pietruch, Helen McGorry, Ann Colancecco, Mary Misantone, Lena Dominic, Rebecca Coury, Peggy Schaeffer, Jay Solak and Grace Dunn.