Monroe prison reports minimal COVID cases
The Monroe County Prison Board has good news when it comes to the COVID-19 reports. In April, Warden Garry Haidle reported the facility had maintained a minimal number of COVID-19 cases among staff and inmates, and so far, the numbers are holding steady for May.
“The good thing is I have been monitoring the cases week over week, and this past week is the lowest we have been since last March,” said Monroe County Commissioner and Prison Board Chairman John Moyer.
Haidle stated the protocols remain in place, and the staff and inmates are continuously cleaning.
Prison census
May’s 348 census count showed a drop from the previous month. However, Haidle warned that since things are opening up in the county, the bench warrants not served during the pandemic are being served now, causing the prison population to increase.
“We like to keep the numbers around 350,” he said.
Fiscal report
Monroe County Controller Marlo Merhige reported no large expenditures, and the board made a motion to ratify the $44,000 in bills.
A discussion on the $80,000 increase in wages for the prison officers took place. Haidle explained the increase is due to the large number of officers needed for hospital duty.
“Recently, a high-security risk patient required seven officers,” he said.
The body scanner was delivered last Thursday and was set up and is ready to go pending staff training and unit registration with the state. The Tech-84 compliance department training schedule is behind due to the number of units installed. General users must receive two hours of training, supervisors must receive four hours of training, and the radiation/safety officer must receive eight hours of training.
Director of treatment
The treatment staff continues to handle the extensive phone call for agencies that are not ready to re-enter the facility in person.
The director of treatment, Lea Baylor, reported that one-seventh of inmates coming in need assessment, and three-sevenths of inmates need some type of mental health counseling.