Lehighton makes strides to combat blight
Slowly but surely, strides are being made to combat blight in downtown Lehighton.
Borough Council recently approved the hiring of the Gulotta Group to provide technical assistance concerning blight within the community.Council approved a $500 fee to provide general technical assistance to borough officials regarding blighted properties.Borough Manager Nicole Beckett said, “Mr. Gulotta will conduct a site visit to discuss blighted property issues with local officials to assess (the) nature and extent of (the) blighted property problem in the borough, to make recommendations about the appropriate strategies for addressing the blighted properties, and to share ideas about re-purposing and redeveloping properties, including different ways to attract private investments.”Beckett said a report will be prepared and presented to council.Depending on the outcome, Beckett said additional work, strategies, and preparation of funding applications and other services are available.“The areas of focus will be properties located within the central business district,” she said.Beckett said two properties the borough plans to focus on are 209 North First St., and 135-139 North First St.She said the borough will work with Gulotta to address blight, specifically vacant and blighted properties along First Street, and evaluate other properties.Beckett said the Gulotta Group provides technical assistance to communities for the purpose of furthering community development objectives, including but not limited to housing, neighborhood revitalization and economic development.She said Gulotta published, “We Can Do This! A Five-Step, Fast-Track Blight Plan” for the Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania.Earlier this month, Councilman Scott Rehrig discussed the demolition of blighted properties.Rehrig said he believes the borough’s future depends on taking away some of the bad sites. He said the borough needs to improve the Sgt. Stanley Hoffman Boulevard and First Street to attract visitors.Beckett said last month that code enforcement had issued citations for various properties within the business district, and that the borough is dealing with numerous properties on First Street.