West End news for April 14, 2021
COVID vaccinations
There are several sites where COVID-19 vaccinations are available for West Enders, including Wind Gap Pharmacy at 31 W. First St., 610-881-4260; Rite Aid Pharmacy, Brodheadsville, 570-992-2373; Bangor Pharmacy, Capitol Plaza, 610-863-6101.
All three sites listed include: limited to certain people, and the Bangor and Brodheadsville sites are listed as drive-thru.
StoryWalks continues
As of Friday, there are three new StoryWalks in the West End of Monroe County according to Bernie Kozen, executive director of the West End Park & Open Space Commission.
Those sites include the Western Pocono Community Library where the story is “Spring Stinks,” with story and art by Ryan T. Higgins; Ross Township Park, a new location, with story “The Thing About Spring,” story and art by Daniel Kirk; and the West End Park Dave Fleetwood Trail, where the story is “Fletcher and the Springtime Blossoms,” with the story by Julia Rawlinson and art by Tiphanie Beeke.
Last day to order
Today is the last day to order soup at Effort UMC for Sunday pickup after each service at 8:30 and 11:15 a.m.
Being offered are roasted vegetable and chicken potpie soup.
WEPOSC meeting
The West End Park & Open Space Commission is slated to meet at 6:30 p.m. today in the Chestnuthill Park building in Brodheadsville.
Auxiliary meeting
The monthly meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary, Post 927, will be held today, beginning at 6 p.m. for the Executive Committee and at 7 p.m. for the general membership.
Scholarship due
All properly completed applications for the 2021 David Fleetwood Memorials Scholarship Program must be received by the WEPOSC on or before this Thursday.
Women’s golf
Women’s Golf League at Indian Mountain Golf Course in Kresgeville has started with practice every Thursday during April. League play, with foursomes, will begin on May 6.
It is a noncompetitive league and is open to women who enjoy the game and the great outdoors. Players should be at the course by 3:45 p.m. to be ready to play by 4 p.m.
Contact Tracy at tandr@ptd.net to join or for more information.
Lions to meet
The Western Pocono Lions Club will meet Thursday at Cherry’s Family Restaurant in Kresgeville at 6:30 p.m.
A new member is slated to be inducted.
League meeting
The West End Little League will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the Chestnuthill Park Building in Brodheadsville.
Chestnuthill bingo
On Friday at 6:30 p.m. people are invited join WEPOSC at Chestnuthill Park, 221 Route 715, Brodheadsville, to play bingo for a cost. There may be some available for purchase at the door - and cards may also give you free items with purchase for local restaurants, too.
There will also be: door prizes, specials, pull tabs and refreshments.
Only prepackaged snacks sold at this time to be eaten while seated. No outside food or drink. Attendees are asked to bring a mask to wear inside premises and kindly remain home if not feeling well.
Spring bird walk
Monroe County Conservation District’s Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center has announced an early spring bird walk. It is being held on Saturday beginning from the center parking lot at 8:30 a.m. sharp.
Preregistration is required. There is a limit of 10 participants. Although center members may participate for free, others must pay a registration fee. All participants are required to wear masks and practice physical distancing for all programs.
For more information, call the Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center at 570-629-3061, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and some Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
For more information on other programs MCCD offers, visit www.mcconservation.org.
Food distribution
The West End Food Pantry in Kunkletown is having a distribution from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday.
For more details, visit the pantry’s Facebook site or call 570-730-6055.
Planting again
The Garden of Giving is slated to be planting again this Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Call Tammy Graeber at 570-801-3434 if willing to help.
All COVID-19 safety guidelines are followed, with masks and distancing enforced.
Craft & Gift Fair
The West End Park and Open Space Commission’s Spring Craft and Gift Fair is being held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at Chestnuthill Park, 221 Route 715, Brodheadsville.
At least 30 vendors have signed up to be there.
Outdoor service
Salem-St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Kresgeville, is having a 10:45 a.m. parking lot service this Sunday and virtual video.
Meat raffle
The Polk Township Volunteer Fire company members are currently selling meat raffle tickets. The raffle is set for Sunday.
WP Women’s Club
The next meeting of the Western Pocono Women’s Club is Monday at Effort United Methodist Church, beginning at 7 p.m.
CDC guidelines will be in effect with masks and social distancing required.
Members and visitors are reminded that this month’s collection will be for Angel’s Closet. The needs include diapers for newborns and onesies, size 0 to 6 months, for babies born at local hospitals to parents who are struggling financially.
Prayer Shawl
Effort UMC’s Prayer Shawl group will meet at 10 a.m. Tuesday to ply their needles.
Their gifts to hurting folks have been given to people all around the country, and overseas.
Valor meeting
Individuals involved in Valor PTSD are reminded there is a meeting at American Legion Post 927 in Gilbert on Tuesday, beginning at 7 p.m.
The meeting is open to nonmembers.
For more information, contact Jim Grimm at 516-317-0588.
Grief Share
Pleasant Valley Assembly of God Church, Brodheadsville, offers a Grief Share program on Tuesdays, beginning at 6:30 p.m.
One can begin any time.
For more information, call the church office at 570-992-6799.
Chestnuthill meeting
The Chestnuthill Township Board of supervisors is slated to meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the township municipal building on Route 715 in Brodheadsville.
Eldred Supervisors
The Eldred Board of Supervisors is slated to meet at 7 p.m. on the third Wednesday of the month at the municipal building on Kunkletown Road in Kunkletown. Meetings are being held virtually although limited seating is available.
For more information check eldredtwp.org or call 610-381-4252.
Community dinner
Zion Lutheran Church is again hosting a free community dinner, with drive-thru pickup, on April 21.
The church now has indoor worship at 8 and 10:30 a.m. Sundays.
Masks and social distancing is required.
Blood drive
An American Red Cross blood drive will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 26 at the Chestnuthill Park in Brodheadsville.
Contact 1-800-733-2767 or go to the website.
United Way event
The next Cultural Humility session is open to the community and will be held virtually from 3 to 5 p.m. April 26-29. Participants will learn why it is important to be culturally competent and sensitive to others. Visit the CACLV website to register.
For questions, contact: Shanise Palmer, Spalmer@caclv.org, or Wilberto Sicard, Wsicard@caclv.org, or call 484-893-1031.
Cleanup day
Eldred Township has announced its spring cleanup day from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 7 and May 8 at the Township Building, 490 Kunkletown Road, in the rear of the building.
Township residents can bring most things they cannot place in the regular trash like mattresses, old furniture, etc.
The event is free and open to all residents of Eldred Township but does not include tires, which the township must pay to have removed.
For the cost of bringing regular car or truck tires, limit 16 tires per household, call the Eldred township office.
The township does recycle metal, so if residents can keep that separate, it will store that until it goes for recycling.
Electronics recycling will also begin on May 7 and will continue until late September. The list of allowable electronics is available from the township.
Staff will be present to help unload residents’ vehicles.
Church dinner set
Effort UMC’s semiannual chicken dinner will be held from 1 to 6 p.m. May 22 (or until all dinners are sold).
Again this year, the dinner will be a to-go, takeout only.
More information will be forthcoming.
August day camp
Monroe County Conservation District’s Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center has announced its Get in Touch with Nature Day Camp for 7- to 13-year-olds from Aug. 2-13.
Campers will be split into age groups and will participate in age-appropriate activities, including exploring the trails at the Kettle Creek Wildlife Sanctuary; learning about the critters, plants and habitats of the Poconos; splashing around in the puddles, ponds and creeks at Kettle Creek and so much more. Activities may include: tie-dyeing, bird banding, fossils, cool critter activities, nature hikes, pond and stream study, scavenger hunt, tree and plant exploration, citizen science projects, and more.
Applications can be found online at www.mcconservation.org. For more information, call the E.E. Center at 570-629-3061, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and some Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. or visit the website.
Opening again
Blessed Beginnings Preschool will be open for the upcoming 2021 fall school year.
Registration is now open and will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.
The classes are for 3 and 4- to 5-year-olds.
Contact Margaret LaFiura for information at 610-681-6137, ext. 114.
Youth Field Day
It has been announced that the community-sponsored Monroe County Youth Field Day will take place on Sept. 11 at Camp Trexler in Jonas.
The announcement states that any and all necessary and required precautions will be taken to ensure the health and safety of all of the participants, their families and the volunteers. All participants will be informed of the precautions that will be taking as the event gets closer. The organization states that it cannot predict what the future holds.
For general information or to volunteer, contact Mike Schwartz, chairman at 610-681-6184 or MSchwartz@mcyfd.org.
For registration or to make a donation, contact Angela Schwartz at 610-951-4452 or ASchwartz@MCYFD.org.
Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or arargot3@verizon.net. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.