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Community Foundation accepting grant applications

The Carbon County Community Foundation announces 5 p.m. Wednesday is the deadline is approaching for various community grants:

• The Fund for Carbon County is the discretionary fund, overseen by the CCCF board of directors, to support Foundation activities and give grants on a competitive basis to the most deserving causes in our community.

• Penny Allison Early Childhood Fund: To honor the legacy of its namesake, the Penny Allison Early Childhood Fund is dedicated to advancing the cause of Early Childhood Education. The Fund welcomes applications for grants from school programs such as Kindergarten, Pre-K Counts, Head Start, and other nonprofit organizations serving children and families in Carbon County, Pennsylvania.

• The Scouting Support Fund is intended to support all manner of scouting activities particularly in the Carbon County region and in lower Luzerne and northern Schuylkill Counties, especially the Greater Hazleton area.

Guidelines for grants

• 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations are encouraged to apply. If you do not have a 501(c)(3) status, contact CCCF’s director to see if it might still be possible for you to apply.

• The project for which funding is sought should be completed within the 12-month period following the grant award. • As part of the grant agreement, the organization should expect to provide a brief follow-up report.

• Applicants are strongly encouraged to list other resources, including in-kind support, in their budgets. CCCF may fund a project 100%, however, we encourage collaboration and like to see other resources committed.

There is no specific grant amount range, however, applicants may reference the list of past grants to see what has been awarded.