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West Penn reviewing water ordinance appeal

West Penn Township supervisors are reviewing an appeal filed by a West Penn Township resident asking supervisors to revoke a zoning permit issued two years ago for a water extraction operation.

Resident Allison McArdle filed the appeal Feb. 28 asking supervisors to revoke the permit issued Jan. 13, 2015, to David Knoedler of Ringgold Acquisition Group II for property at One Fort Franklin Road."At this point in time, it's being reviewed," board Chairman Jim Dean said.Resident Elaine Lapinsky then began an extensive dialogue with the board, specifically concerning the water extraction operation at the Fort Franklin site.Supervisor Tony Prudenti said he gets "irritated" when he hears people say the board isn't doing anything to address the matter."We're on our own here, people," Prudenti said. "It looks to me like there's no way to stop this."Prudenti reiterated his main concerns as stated at last month's meeting that the township has to look at protecting residents' wells, eliminating truck traffic, and saving roads.Lapinsky said she believes everyone is losing out on the matter.Prudenti agreed, and added, "We have to cut a deal with the devil."Jay Land, president and owner of Ringgold Acquisition Group II LLC, attended the meeting, but did not comment.Both Dean and Prudenti said the water is looked at as an agricultural use.However, Prudenti said, "To me, it's a mining use. It's a mineral. It should be mined."While Prudenti commended the group for staging rallies against water extraction in recent months, he said, "I think it should be done in Harrisburg.""This isn't an easy predicament that we're in," he said. "Is there a good solution? The only good solution would be to stop it."Resident Gary Steigerwalt suggested meeting with state Sen. David Argall."If these politicians don't want to help us out, let's get rid of them," he said."It's our problem and we've got to address it now," Steigerwalt said. "I just don't like the negative attitude you people take."Prudenti said last month he believes the time had come to update the municipality's water extraction ordinance.In November, more than 50 people attended a board meeting held at the West Penn Fire Company, pleading with the board to shut down water extraction because they believe the wells are breaking a township ordinance.