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W. Penn official asks to negotiate water extraction

A West Penn Township official remains steadfast in his quest to get truck traffic off the township's roads.

At Monday morning's board of supervisors meeting, board Chairman Jim Dean announced that the board received a letter from Supervisor Tony Prudenti.In his letter, Prudenti said he would like to propose that the board, on behalf of the township, negotiate a water extraction and road agreement with Jay Land, president and owner of Ringgold Acquisition Group II LLC.As a starting point, Prudenti proposed they negotiate that the zone of influence be extended to a 1½-mile radius. The current Department of Environmental Protection zone of influence is a quarter-mile, he said.Prudenti also suggested to construct a pipeline to state roads for the loading of water into trucks, with the township to help procure rights of way if not able to use its own.Additionally, Prudenti suggested a $10,000 yearly road maintenance and repair fee for each well site for roads affected by truck traffic.The letter comes after Prudenti earlier this month asked the board for permission "to start negotiating with Mr. Land for getting these trucks off our township roads."Prudenti has said on several occasions that the township has to look at protecting residents' wells, eliminating truck traffic and saving roads.Last month, Christine Verdier, chief of staff for state Sen. David Argall, R-Schuylkill, attended the board's meeting to address any questions residents had about water extraction.Verdier said the state Department of Environmental Protection would be sending a biologist out this spring to look at groundwater and surface water.She said she's spoken with about a dozen residents who have expressed concerns to her about water extraction.At that time, Prudenti asked Verdier who is regulating the Fort Franklin site. Verdier said there is no permit in front of DEP because the operation hasn't reached the average threshold of 100,000 gallons per day over a 30-day period.In March, supervisors said they were reviewing an appeal filed by a township resident asking supervisors to revoke a zoning permit issued two years ago for a water extraction operation.Resident Allison McArdle filed the appeal Feb. 28 asking supervisors to revoke the permit issued Jan. 13, 2015, to David Knoedler of Ringgold Acquisition Group II for property at One Fort Franklin Road.Prudenti reiterated his main concerns at that time that the township has to look at protecting residents' wells, eliminating truck traffic and saving roads.In February, Prudenti said he believes the time had come to update the municipality's water extraction ordinance.More than 50 people attended a board meeting held in November at the West Penn Fire Company, pleading with the board to shut down water extraction because they believe the wells are breaking a township ordinance.