Schuylkill County court news
Divorces granted
Colleen Wronski was granted a divorce from Shawn L. McGuire, both of Mahanoy City.Cheryl B. Walborn-Smith was granted a divorce from David C. Smith, both of Orwigsburg. They were married Dec. 30, 2003.Ivan W. Quick Jr., Aristes, was granted a divorce from Sherry A. Quick, Frackville. They were married Sept. 7, 2002.Gerald Scott Langley, Ringtown, was granted a divorce from Margaret D. Langley, Pottsville. They were married June 25, 1994.Pleads guiltyDixon Francisco, 28, of 692 S. Kennedy Drive, McAdoo, entered a guilty plea to a charge of making false reports to McAdoo police about a car being stolen when it was not true. He was sentenced by Judge D. Michael Stine to serve four days to 12 months in the county prison, pay a fine of $150 and court costs, pay $50 to Criminal Justice Enhancement Fund, perform 10 hours of community service and a $50 monthly supervision fee. Since he had already served his four days at time of sentencing he was granted immediate parole.Bail hearingJames Hossler, 28, Ashland, was brought to court on a bench warrant and received a hearing before Judge Stine who vacated the bench warrant and fixed bail at $10,000 unsecured bail and imposed two stipulations: he must reside at 303 S. Ninth St., Ashland, and must seek gainful employment. Hossler faces charges of theft by accepting $700 from Brian Klusman, 345 E. Elm St., Tamaqua, to cut a tree and failed to perform the task. He was cited by Cpl. Henry Woods, Tamaqua police.Revoke probationDerek Paul Kroh, 28, Pottsville, had his probation revoked by Judge Cyrus Palmer Dolbin and he was re-sentenced to serve six to 12 months in the county prison. He had originally pleaded guilty to possession of drug paraphernalia and last August was placed on probation for 12 months. He was recently arrested for having illegal drugs and failed to notify his probation officer of a new arrest. Kroh claimed he has a drug problem and can't receive treatment in the prison. Dolbin told him the prison is a good rehabilitation because many don't wish to return to it and alter their lives.Property transfersTony L. Sterling, as executor of the last will of Ernest D. Freeby to Tony L. Sterling, Bowmantown, property at 104 Pine Oak Lane, West Penn Township, $1 (transaction according to will).Kenneth A. and Janet A. Hartranft to Robert S. and Jessica J. Gamble, tract containing six acres on west side of state highway leading from Drehersville to McKeansburg in East Brunswick Township, $1 (transaction from parents to daughter and son-in-law).Terry P. O'Keefer and Laura K. O'Keefer to Laura K. O'Keefer, tract containing 1.154 acres on north side of Grey Hawk Drive, Phase II, Hawk Ridge Estates, East Brunswick Township, $1 (transaction between husband and wife).James A. Birdsall to Newton Farms, LLC, property at 51 Arrow Road, in LLC Subdivision, East Brunswick Township, $1.Michael J. Tracey, West Penn Township, and Kathy J. Tracey Stanley, N.D., to Michael J. Tracey, two parcels, one on south side of Route 309 adjoining Theodor Wishousky property containing 25,000 square feet and second parcel on right side of State Rouite 309 containing 20,250 square feet in West Penn Township, $1 (transaction between divorced couple).File for divorcePerry Kauffman. 14 Second St., Middleport, filed suit for divorce from Linda Kaufman, 177 Farm View Drive, Schuylkill Haven. They were married Aug. 10, 1986.Kathleen B. Curran started a divorce proceeding against James J. Curran Jr., both of 1401 Oak Road, Pottsville. They were married Nov. 13, 1998.