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Seven conditions agreed to in solar land development plan

After a special meeting held on Oct. 11 and Monday's regular Board of Supervisors meeting, Polk Township Supervisors agreed to three modifications or waivers by a vote of 3-0 as recommended by the Polk Township Planning Commission and seven conditions to the Solar Nation preliminary/final land development plan.

The waivers pertain to the percentage of disturbance of the wetlands buffer, construction of basin with less than a one per cent bottom slope and the need for an emergency spillway needing to be on virgin soil.There is no virgin soil, was the report.The seven conditions include, among others, ones pertaining to the cleaning of swales on the involved property of Robert and Donna Coleman and the adjoining Heppa property; approval of erosion sedimentation control plan by the Monroe County Conservation District; the installation of solar panels in phases as depicted on the plan, including at least 18 month between the completion of Phase I and the start of Phase 2; the addition of 30 feet to the plan's 120 feet fencing along the property boundary.Before the conditions vote was cast, the attorney for the Heppas asked Polk Township's Volunteer Fire Company Chief what training the fire company personnel would have and the reply was the training would be in-house, with support from Solar Nation.In regard to other plans on the evening's agenda, there was no action on the Keith Brown Minor Subdivision plan as the township is waiting to hear from the plan's engineer and a 1-year time extension, to Oct. 30, 2012, was granted to the "The Woods" subdivision plan.The board approved the additional expenditure of $11,273 for additional work that needs to be done in regard to the Middle Creek culvert and changing the energy supplier form PPL to Future Energy Solutions.Projected savings will be about $1,000 for a year.In regard to other energy savings, Chairman Brian K. Ahner has a meeting with a specialist to see what changing the municipal building's light fixtures might cost and also save.All easements in regard to the Dotters Corner culvert are now in hand as is a draft of the traffic study on Carney Road between Silver Spring Boulevard and Hideaway Hills Road.Announcements and reports by township staff included:Trick or Treat time is from 5 to 8 p.m., Monday, Oct. 31.Drug Take-Back Day for old medications, prescription or over-the-counter, is on Oct. 29 at several sites, including Barrett Township Police Department in Cresco, Monroe County Sheriff's Office in Stroudsburg, West End Fire Company substation in Mount Effort, Pocono Mountain Regional Police in Pocono Summit, and Pocono Township Police in Tannersville.One can go any place said Supervisor Nancy C. May. Don't put them down the drain she added in promoting the safe way of getting rid of old drugs.Chairman Ahner reported that the township needs an outlet for recycled glass and that a truckload of cardboard had been taken to a purchaser, with check to the township to follow.The fire company Chief reported 22 calls of various kinds for the past month, making 186 YTD.The Codes/Zoning officer reported 14 permits for the month, with the YTD figure being 202; 18 inspections, 164 YTD; and 3 complaints, 42 YTD.He received various permissions to move forward legally with some unresponsive situations as per his requests and noted there will be a Zoning Hearing Board meeting in November.Township staff will continue exploring the value or detriment of installing a diesel fuel tank on township property. An estimate has the installation costing under $4,000.Also being prepared for is the setting up of the 2012 budget. Health insurance has gone up again and that is a certainly a factor to be reckoned with as the proposed budget is under consideration.