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$3.9 million in gaming funds awarded to Monroe County

Monroe County state Reps. Mario M. Scavello (R-Monroe), Mike Peifer (R-Pike/Monroe/Wayne) and Rosemary M. Brown (R-Pike/Monroe) today announced that the Commonwealth Financing Authority approved $3.9 million in state grants for 15 projects across Monroe County.

"It is rewarding to see our local communities receive some much-deserved attention from the state through this funding," said Scavello. "These grants will help offset the costs of important construction and revitalization projects across Monroe County, while also creating jobs in our area.""In these difficult budget times, this gaming revenue is extremely valuable and gives local communities the opportunity to make some much-needed infrastructure improvements," Peifer said. "I am pleased to see the money being put to good use.""All county residents will benefit from these grants because they will help with the costs of rehabilitating several bridges and roads in our communities, as well as help support economic development and job creation," said Brown.The funds for these grants were provided through the allocation of gaming funds for community and economic development projects.The following Monroe County projects received funding:• Tunkhannock Township building renovation project: $56,588.• Kunkletown Fire Company's new four-bay garage: $300,000.• Ross Township's Hanley/VanBuskirk Park bathroom and pavilion: $53,500.• Lake Mineola road project for West End Medical Home in Chestnuthill Township: $600,000.• Arcadia New Ventures infrastructure improvements: $400,000.• Natural gas line extension to Vigon International: $600,000.• Small business grant/ loan program for Monroe County: $250,000.• Polk Township bridge replacement: $227,900.• Rehabilitation and renovation program for Monroe County: $300,000.• Repairs on State Route 196 and main left-turn lane in Coolbaugh Township: $511,699.• Hamilton Township bridge replacement: $304,925.• Replacement of three police vehicles in Pocono Township: $95,069.• Stadden Road bridge repair in Pocono Township: $130,000.• Purchase of emergency generator at The Shepherds in Barrett Township: $20,000.• Purchase of 2013 Chevy Suburban emergency response vehicle for The American Red Cross of the Poconos: $50,319.For details regarding each of these projects, visit Scavello, Peifer and Brown's websites at


www.RepPeifer.com, or

www.RepBrown.com and click on the "Monroe County Grants" link on located on the left side of their homepages.