Chestnuthill supervisors hold the line on taxes
Chestnuthill Township supervisors approved the 2012 Budget and Fiscal Plan, 3-0. The good news is that the millage rate will remain at 4 mills and the budget requires tax no increase.
The General Fund budget expenditures total $3,989,650. The road maintenance expenditures is 40 percent of the budget at $1,604,623. $700,803, or 18 percent, will be spent on public safety.The budget includes costs to implement the 911 readdressing project which includes public education, updated street name signage and mapping. There will be a public hearing on the readdressing project on Tuesday, Dec. 20 at 7 p.m. at the municipal building located on Rt. 715.The township received approval of a grant of $64,000 to assist with a repaving project in 2012.If there are any questions concerning the budget and fiscal plan, contact David Albright, the township manager, at 570-992-7247.The 2012 State Fund budget was approved, 3-0 with total expenditures of $550,538. The 2011 budget is to date at $530,562.Albright said that the township received a check in the amount of $18,500 from DEP (Department of Environmental Protection) for the electronics program grant."It's for our recycling program for collection of electronics, which cost us $37,000. With the new recycling laws, it may not cost the township anything next year," he said.Or, if there is a cost, it may only be for the delivery of items to the Monroe County recycling plant."We may even end up earning a few dollars," he added.The West End Park and Open Space Commission 2012 budget was approved, 3-0, at $97,956.In a report from Don Zipp, township Emergency Management coordinator, it stated that the West End Vol. Fire Co. responded to 113 calls and the West End Ambulance responded to 73 calls in the month of November.Zipp would like to become a member of PSATS (Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors) because they formed an Emergency Management Association which shares information, offers lessons, and allows access to best practices from other townships. It costs $125 a year. The board approved, 3-0, his request.Residents of the township who suffered damages from Hurricane Irene have until Dec. 14 to file a report with FEMA, PEMA and Monroe County Emergency Management.For forms or more info, call the municipal office at 570-992-7247.Sgt. Jennings of the Pennsylvania State Police was present at the meeting and reported PSP responded to 281 calls for service in Chestnuthill, some of which included:• Commercial burglary at Radio Shack;• Two robberies of prescription medication from the new CVS at State/Rt. 115 roads (actor in custody);• A fugitive captured on a traffic stop on Rt. 115 near the Uni-Mart;• A drug interdiction arrest at State and Sugar Hollow roads;• Two sexual assaults;• 10 arrests for driving under the influence;• 35 traffic crashes.In a Bonser Drive update, soil probes are being scheduled, weather permitting.A grant agreement between CJER Regional Comprehensive Plan and the County of Monroe to support Monroe County municipalities in achieving the goals and objectives of the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan and Monroe County Open Space Plan by providing funding at the municipal level where land use decisions are made, was approved, 3-0.Supervisor Chairman Chuck Gould said that Chestnuthill is the lead municipality with a match for the grant approximately $2,500. This agreement is from 10/20/11 to 10/20/14.Neal and Shirley Murphy's request for a minor subdivision was approved, 3-0. The plan is to subdivide 11 acres off an 82-acre tract to give to their grandson. Everything was deemed in order, a nonconforming certificate was issued by the zoning officer and all fees were paid.