Published May 08. 2015 04:00PM
East Penn Township's road crew will be cutting shoulders along township roads within the next month to keep water away from the road.
Supervisor Chairman Dean Kercsmar said residents are asked to keep grass at least 4 feet from the roadways. Any reflectors should be removed from township rights of way.Residents interested in receiving dirt or fill from the project should contact the township office. A release form will be required.Other township announcements made at Monday's supervisors meeting include:A breakfast to support the East Penn Township Recreation Board will be held Sunday at the East Penn Social Hall from 8 a.m. to noon. All mothers will receive an appreciation gift. It will be the last breakfast until September.The East Penn Township Recreation Board fishing derby will be held May 16 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the playground property.Residents of both the north and south districts will vote at East Penn Social Hall during the primary election on May 19.The East Penn Township office will be closed on May 19 for primary election day and May 25 for Memorial Day.