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Wednesday snow updates


Check facebook.com/lansfordpolice for updates on parking and snow removal.

Tuesday night, Wednesday morning: No parking on Water, Kline, Snyder and Front streets. Snow removal in the morning.

The next tentative steps are going to be all of the blocks with Angle parking as well as the very narrow portion of East Abbott Street.

The borough’s Public Works Dept will concentrate on the areas in town that are known problems due to the narrowness of the streets and the related parking design on those streets. These are: blocks with angle parking, narrow streets, hills and intersections.

The borough is bringing additional crews and equipment to accomplish much of this simultaneous. If things are going smoothly it is possible more streets could be added faster than expected.

Due to the extreme amount of snow received, and the need to get streets open and widened as quickly as possible, it will be necessary for the removal crews to make snow piles in various areas throughout the borough. Every effort will be made to make sure that these piles are done in the best areas possible. The piles will be removed as soon as possible.


Odd-even parking will continue through Wednesday. Residents should move vehicles to the odd side of the street tonight between 7-8 p.m.

There will be no trash or recycling collection this week due to the storm. The trash haulers will allow an additional 5 bags over the weekly limit next week to make up for this week’s missed collection. Recycling will be collected next week and thereafter will resume as listed on the schedule for biweekly collection.

Road restrictions lifted

As winter conditions subside, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation has lifted vehicle restrictions and restored normal speed limits in the east central region of Pennsylvania.

Rush Township

Monday’s garbage and recycling will be collected Wednesday.

Friday’s garbage and recycling will be collected Saturday.


Jim Thorpe: Due to the inclement weather for the past two days and the remaining high winds, the Jim Thorpe Area School District will use a Flexible Instructional Day on Wednesday. A Flexible Instructional Day is very similar to what we did back in the Spring which does not involve “live” teaching and learning, just an expectation to complete assigned work by your teachers. Furthermore, the remaining weather conditions could result in power outages and loss of Wifi connections. While Wednesday will be counted as a school day towards the 180 days expected, the buildings will be closed.

Lastly, on Wednesday, lunch pickup will be available from 3:30-4:30 p.m. at the high school and the Penn Kidder Campus. Please note that 4 days of lunches are set to be distributed tomorrow.

Lehighton: virtual learning, staff working remotely.

Marian: Closed

Northern Lehigh: virtual day

Palmerton: full day remote learning

Tamaqua: Virtual classes

Weatherly: virtual synchronized learning

Summit Hill

Wednesday: streets not completed (plowed) on Tuesday will be done. Vehicles not moved will be towed. (Due to the size of the storm cars must me moved by 9 a.m.

Snow Removal (hauling) will begin at 9 a.m. on the 200 Block of West Fell St and the unit block of West Walter St. The crews will work their way East. Once the Walter Street crew is done they will move to East Fell St and work toward the other crew. Snow will be removed from both sides of those streets.

Parking is available at the following locations throughout the town: Cemetery, Market Street alongside the Ginder Field, Holland Street alongside Bill Black Park, North end of Elm Street, Lehigh Street by the Legion, Community Center Parking Lot & Area around St Joseph’s Church.

Tamaqua garbage removal

Monday’s garbage will be picked up Wednesday. Tuesday’s garbage will be picked up on Thursday.

Thursday’s garbage will be picked up on Friday, and Friday’s garbage will be picked up on Saturday. No recycling this week.

Tamaqua snow removal

• Wednesday, starting at 10 p.m.

Broad Street - South side from railroad tracks at Patterson Street to Odd Fellows Cemetery

Center Street - From Broad Street to Route 309 Bridge

Nescopec Street - From Broad Street to Cottage Ave.

Swatara Street - From Broad street to the iron steps

Thursday, February 4, 2021 starting at 10 a.m.

Hunter Street - From Broad Street to the end

Pitt Street - From Lafayette Street to the end

Gay Street - From Lafayette Street to the end

• Thursday, starting at 10 p.m.

Broad Street - North side from the railroad tracks at Patterson Street to Odd Fellows Cemetery

Mauch Chunk Street - From Broad Street to Pine Street

Berwick Street - From Broad Street to Hegarty Ave.

Nescopec Street - From Broad Street to Hegarty Ave.

Swatara Street - From Broad Street to Lafayette Street

Friday, starting at 10 a.m.

Penn Street - From Hunter Street to the end

Union Street - From Market street to the end

Mauch Chunk Street - From Pine Street to the end

Friday, starting at 10 p.m.

East Broad Street - South side from Patterson Street to the former Maff Motors

Pine Street - From Broad Street to 309 Bridge

Saturday, February 6, 2021 starting at 10 a.m.

Arlington Street - From Greenwood Street to Laurel Street

Orwigsburg Street - From Hunter Street to Coal Street

Saturday, starting at 10 p.m.

East Broad Street - North side from Patterson Street to former CVS

Lehigh Street - Broad Street to Elm.

Note: All vehicles must be removed from the posted streets. Vehicles that remain on the posted streets will be ticketed and towed at the owners expense. Snow removal will continue as needed. This schedule is subject to change depending on weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances.