570 area code now a must
Dave Fleetwood, Chestnuthill Township supervisor vice chairman, said the township was notified that everyone in the 570 area code will now have to dial 570 when making any calls. All phone numbers for alarms with a 570 area code have to be changed by Sept. 13.
The township received three bids for local road paving. The board awarded the bid to the lowest bidder, Hanson Aggregates for 2,864 tons of superpave 9.5 mm wearing course; PG 64-22, 0.0 to 0.3 million ESAL's, SRL-L, 180 lb./sy depth as directed at a unit price of $75 for a total of $214,800. The following roads will have some portions paved: Hawk Terrace; Elmwood Drive; Terrace Drive; Frantz Road; Gould Dev. Road; Rising Hills; Long Acres Drive; Seneca Trail; Lemond Drive; and Sugar Hill Road.The board discussed the Cohen Law Group engagement letter for cable franchise renewal from Blue Ridge Communications.The board approved, 3-0:• Township office manager Cathy Martinelli to attend the Pennsylvania Association of Municipal Administrators conference in Lancaster, Aug. 14-16 for continuing education and to cover the costs of the registration, $210 and hotel accommodations, $264• Donating $100 to the Western Pocono Jaycees for the new Pleasant Valley football program, which was budgetedThere will be no Chestnuthill Township Historical Society meeting in the month of July, but there will be a picnic, which the public is invited to, on Wednesday, Aug. 21 at 5 p.m. Call the township office for more information.The Chestnuthill Township's 250th Anniversary committee will meet at 7 p.m., Thursday, July 18.West End Volunteer Fire Company Fire Chief Eric Hoffman reported that the EMTs responded to 62 calls in the month of June.Hoffman said that the fire company's 80th carnival will be held July 10-13. He's hoping this year will be a better year than last year."In 1933, the carnival's first year, was held at the West End Fairgrounds and made a profit of $237. Last year we only made $250. We blame the economy," he said.