Schuylkill nears agreement on real estate tax office
An agreement between the city and Schuylkill County over the real estate tax situation is almost finalized.
City council approved an agreement between the two at Monday’s council meeting, Mayor James T. Muldowney said Tuesday.
The agreement is listed on the Wednesday commissioner meeting agenda. The agreement calls for the county to share one-third of the expense of the city of Pottsville tax office with the exception of the deputy clerk handling city trash accounts, which the county shall be charged at one-half of the one-third expense of the salary and benefits for that position.
Upon payment of the county’s invoice for its share of the 2020 city of Pottsville tax office, the city shall remit 2020 county real estate tax funds within its possession, the agenda item reads.
“I really do feel the city and the county came much closer together with a working relationship. I’m very happy with the outcome,” Muldowney said.
The vote for the agreement was unanimous, he said.
City solicitor Thomas J. Pellish said Tuesday the city provided job descriptions for those who collect county taxes, something county Treasurer Linda Marchalk requested.
The deal was worked out between Pellish and county solicitor Glenn Roth. Pellish described Roth as “absolutely courteous” in the discussions.
He said the part of the agreement whereby the county will pay one half of one-third of the salary and benefits of the deputy clerk handling city trash accounts was negotiated from the one-third the county paid previously.
“The bulk of her job is city business,” Pellish said.
He said the situation should resolve itself Wednesday.
“We expect that it will be done promptly,” he said of payment of the outstanding money the county owes the city for services provided.
An updated amount was not provided. However, as of early November the county owed the city $73,000. council member Mark Atkinson said previously. City council voted in November to keep the revenue collected from county real estate taxes until it was paid for work performed.
The Pottsville Area School District also pays for those collecting the taxes a part of the costs as per the Local Tax Collection Law of May 25,1945.