Unused drug disposal
Carbon County officials want residents to know that there are places they can take their unused prescription drugs to dispose of them properly.
During the county commissioners meeting on Thursday, Commissioner Wayne Nothstein, chairman, announced that a National Prescription Drug Take Back Day event will be held in Carbon County from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., this Saturday, April 28, at the Summit Hill Police Department, 40 W. Amidon St."National Prescription Drug Take Back Day provides a venue for people who want to dispose of unwanted, unused drugs," he said. "To touch on that, we don't realize how serious the drug problem is in Carbon County. The major issue today is the amount of drug overdoses we have in the county every year."What this program does is give residents, especially seniors, who have accumulated prescriptions over the years a place to dispose of them," Nothstein continued.He thanked Summit Hill Chief of Police Joseph Fittos and the rest of the Summit Hill police for stepping up and becoming certified to participate in these events and being very active in the program."I certainly hope residents take advantage of this," Nothstein said.Other sites in the TIMES NEWS coverage area that will also be taking part in tomorrow's event include Slatington Police Department, 125 S. Walnut St.; Walnutport Police Department, 417 Lincoln Ave.; and McAdoo Police Department, 23 N. Hancock St. For a complete list of collection sites, visit
www.dea.gov.The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is hosted by the Drug Enforcement Administration throughout the country. During the last prescription drug take back event, collection sites across the country turned over more than 377,086 pounds (188.5 tons) of unwanted or expired medications. These medications were then taken and properly disposed of by the DEA.Since starting the program in 2010, there has been over 995,185 pounds (498.5 tons) of medication collected and disposed of through the initiative.For more information on the National Prescription Take Back events, visit
www.dea.gov.In other matters, the board of commissioners voted to advertise for bids to do repairs on the courthouse chimney.According to Commissioner William O'Gurek, problems with the chimney were brought to the board's attention during routine inspections, when the inspector revealed that the mortar on the chimney was "unsound and deteriorated."The project, which is estimated to cost around $60,000, calls for reconstructing the cap supports and repairing the cap, removing and replacing deteriorated brick and installing a steel mesh over the chimney face.The commissioners also voted to approve an application for Carbon County Courts Restrictive Intermediate Punishment (electronic monitoring), requesting match-free funding in the amount of $12,226 for the fiscal year of 2012-2013.Part of the funding will be to cover the cost of replacing three and purchasing two new radio frequency ankle bracelets to be used by the Adult Probation office.The board said that the additional bracelets will provide non-violent, low risk inmates at the Carbon County Prison, who were sentenced to house arrest, to leave the prison to serve their time, thus freeing up space at the already overcrowded prison.The board also acted on the following items:• Ratified the execution of acknowledgment regarding revised tentative Medical Assistance Transportation Program allocation for 2011-2012 in the amount of $1,584,917.• Ratified the submission of the Act 101, Section 903 Recycling Coordinator Grant application requesting 50 percent reimbursement of the 2011 salary and other eligible expenses for the county recycling coordinator of record. Estimated revenue is $30,202.82.• Adopted a resolution honoring Adam D. Reichard of Lehighton, member of Scout Troop 82. Reichard restored and replaced a stairway at the Preacher's Camp Boat Launch at Beltzville State Park for his Eagle Scout project.