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DeMelfi seeks Panther Valley board seat

Renee DeMelfi has announced her candidacy for a seat on Panther Valley School Board.

DeMelfi is a retired business owner in floor covering. She was also the warranty administrator for a large car dealership.She held her position until the birth of her youngest child, who is currently a Panther Valley student.She and her husband, David, are residents of Nesquehoning and have four daughters. Renee is now a stay-at-home mom, a member of the Panther Valley Elementary PTO, a volunteer for PV fundraisers, PV Knee Hi, LHC children's activities and the Beautification Committee in Lake Hauto.She was most recently the winner of a four-way write-in tie for the Democratic Committeewoman post of the Nesquehoning Borough West District. She is also a strong advocate to help spread awareness for Huntington's Disease and CRPS/RSDS, both of which have no cure and have very little funding or publicity."When you're on a school board, the voters have certain expectations of you," DeMelfi says. "The main being to do what's best for the community and the children. The members need to focus on the positive and try to fix the negative. It's crucial for the board to work together and ambitiously to make strategic decisions to curb spending, find avenues to obtain funding that our district should be getting, close loopholes if any, and to get a handle on the Panther Valley School taxes. They are out of control."It is my goal to bring fresh ideas to the board. I want what's best for our kids. They're our future."DeMelfi has made her feelings regarding outsourcing district jobs no secret."Outsourcing jobs and then raising taxes is just a double slap in the face."She wants to make it clear that she has no hidden agenda, has no relatives on the Panther Valley School Board or working in the district. She also stresses the importance of attending meetings, especially when you're unhappy about the way things are being handled."Your vote is your voice."
