JT Old-timers beat FT Old-timers
A benefit baseball game between the Jim Thorpe Old-timers and the Franklin Township Old-timers on Sunday raised nearly $4,000 for two people who have serious health concerns.
The game was the 28th annual benefit game between the two teams. Over the years, the names of the players have changed, but the mission has remained the same.Coordinating the Franklin Township donations was Wayne Wentz and on the Jim Thorpe side it was Jim Zurn.This year they split the proceeds between Dwain Gable of Mahoning Township and Sabrina Steigerwalt of Jim Thorpe.Gable was injured in a work accident while driving a dump truck. The truck overturned on March 25, 2013, during the last snowstorm of the year.For Gable, losing most of his right arm and having little use of his left arm, leaves him without a future job."I've been driving trucks since I'm 18," he said. At 42, he said that the last few months have been rough. In addition, his father passed away on Friday.He and his fiance, Tracey Beers, are raising two sons, Cameron and Jayden Gable. Both boys play for the Franklin Township Little League. Also living at home is Tracey's grown daughter, Nakea Beers, who is attending college.Gable was trapped inside the dump truck after it flipped over. Along with losing his right arm and having his left arm unusable, he suffered a fractured sternum, six ribs and fractured his neck. He also had an open gash in his abdomen, suffered a dislocated elbow and the degloving of his skin from his elbow to his hand, which required several surgeries to reattach the skin."Thank you for everything," said Gable, as he accepted the donations. "It's wonderful to see so many people out here. It's been a rough two months. Play ball."Jim Zurn, thanked the members of the Jim Thorpe Old-timers Team for helping bring the total of funds to $1,000 from the team for Sabrina Steigerwalt. She was unable to attend this year. Sabrina is 14 years old and has cerebral palsy. She uses a wheelchair and is a tri-palegic since she only has the use of one arm.While Sabrina cannot walk, she loves to talk. She attends classes in Jim Thorpe and is in the IU Life Skills Class.There were refreshments available and a portion of those funds, along with the Chinese auction, bake sale and donations helped fund the donation for Dwain Gable and his family. The funds raised at the Chinese auction and bake sale were split between Dwain and Sabrina. In addition, Horwitz Trucking donated $1,000 to Dwain's family.Over the past 28 years, the Old-timers game has had a variety of players, including many Franklin Township Little League coaches and county officials.Jim Thorpe Old-timers won the game this year.