Palmerton news for Dec. 23, 2020
Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church
JELC, 500 Church Drive, Palmerton (Trachsville) will be holding two services on Christmas Eve. The first will be at 3 p.m. inside the church. This will be a spoken Service of the Word for the Birth of Jesus. (No singing and face masks are required). Reservations are requested for this service to ensure not going over the number of people allowed.
To make a reservation, call the office at 610-681-5200.
The second service will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the church parking lot. This service will include carols and lessons. No reservations are required for this service.
Both services will include Holy Communion.
Living Hope Lighthouse Church
Living Hope Lighthouse Church, 705 Third St., Palmerton, is having two Christmas Eve services. One is at 5 p.m. and the other at 7 p.m.
All are asked to wear masks and to observe distancing guidelines. These are both Christmas Eve candlelight services.
Faith Alive Church
Faith Alive Church, 678 Pine St., Palmerton (Bowmanstown) will be holding two Christmas Eve candlelight services. The first is at 4 p.m. and is contemporary. The second is at 6 p.m. and is the traditional service.
The options of attendance remain the same.
Jerusalem UCC
Jerusalem United Church of Christ, 545 Church Drive, Palmerton (Trachsville) is holding two services on Christmas Eve. The first service will be held at 5 p.m. in the Church Grove. Lights will be strung throughout the grove. There are no reservations needed for this service. The theme of this service will be “Christmas Lights - Lighting up our Grove, as we remember the birth of Jesus.” The title of the service will be “Jesus, The Light of the World - Come to the Light.”
The second service will be at 7:30 p.m. in the church sanctuary. For this service reservations are required on a first come, first served basis.
You will be able to listen to both services in your car on radio station 95.5 FM. The services will also livestream on Facebook.
Holy Trinity Lutheran
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 502 Lafayette Ave., Palmerton, will hold Christmas Eve candlelight service at 10 p.m. Reservations are required for this service.
When the amount limited to the sanctuary is full, they are planning to have overflow seating in the fellowship hall. In the fellowship hall those who gather there will see the worship service on screens through Zoom feed.
Holy Communion will be distributed in both areas. All are asked to follow COVID-19 guidelines.
Palmerton library
The Palmerton library will be closed Dec. 24-27. It will reopen Dec. 28. The library will also be closed Dec. 31-Jan. 3. It will reopen Jan. 4.
Library hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays.
You can return items in the outside book drop while the library is closed or wait to return the materials when the library reopens. There are no overdue fines through March 2021.
Contact Lenora Robertson at 610-349-2436, or 664 Delaware Ave., Palmerton, PA, 18071. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or