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Pleasant Valley gives COVID-19 update

The Pleasant Valley School District released its weekly COVID-19 update on Friday.

For the week of Dec. 14 to 18, a total of 12 students and staff members tested positive among all four school buildings.

There are four new cases in students at the high school, two students at the middle school, three students at the intermediate school, and three staff members at the elementary school. There were 20 cases the prior week.

“Contact tracing and monitoring of test results will continue. All known close contacts have been notified,” Superintendent Lee Lesisko said.

The high school has been closed due to COVID-19 cases and exposure since last week and will remain closed to students through Jan. 3. The other three buildings are still open for hybrid classes.

“Students, including MCTI, will participate in virtual instruction through Wednesday,” he said. “Pleasant Valley High School will reopen for hybrid instruction on Monday, Jan. 4, 2021.”

Lesisko said the custodial staff continually cleans and disinfects the buildings on a regular basis. He continues to urge everyone to wear a mask and socially distance at least 6 feet apart.