Snow ordinance changes to take effect in Lehighton
In an effort to improve snow plowing/removal in the borough to make travel safer, several changes to Lehighton's snow ordinance are set to take effect with the borough's first significant snowfall.
The following changes will go in effect with the first forecast snowfall of 3 inches or more:Odd/even parking will be done. The National Weather Service forecast is what will be used to determine the estimated snowfall requiring odd/even parking to go into effect. When a snowfall of 3 inches or more is forecast, residents will have until 7 p.m. to move their car to the appropriate side of the street. If the snowfall is expected on an odd-numbered calendar day, park on the side of the street with the odd numbered houses. If the snowfall is expected on an even-numbered day, park on the side with the even-numbered houses. Should the snowfall be forecast overnight, residents will have until 7 p.m. to move their car to the appropriate side of the street.A fine of $25 will be imposed for those who do not move their vehicles.After the first two snowfalls of 3 inches or more, the fines will go up to $50, and vehicles will be towed at their expense.For sidewalks, a pathway of at least 3 feet must be shoveled within 48 hours after the snow stops falling.A fine of $50 will be imposed, plus costs. This is for the safety of residents and school children so they do not have to walk in the streets. Residents are encouraged to shovel a path where sidewalks do not exist for the safety of pedestrians.For plowing of parking spaces, driveways, commercial businesses and parking lots, there is no charge for the permit. Permits may be obtained in the borough secretary's office, 1 Constitution Ave.Plowing by borough residents of parking spaces will require a permit and proof of insurance with a rider for snowplowing on it, valid driver's license, make/model of vehicle, address of parking spaces being plowed.As for plowing of driveways, no snow will be plowed onto the travel lanes of the roadway. Any snow must be feathered into the curbline. No piling of snow is allowed on either side of a driveway.As for plowing of snow in front of commercial businesses and/or parking lots, it must be plowed onto the business's property. If this cannot be done, the snow must be removed at the time of plowing. A removal truck must be there with the plow truck to haul away the snow. No piles are to be left on the street.All violators of the new ordinance will be fined $100, plus the cost for each occurrence.Questions and concerns can be addressed by contacting Brenda L. Koons, borough secretary, at 610-377-4002 ext. 211, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.