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The Carbon County chapter of Pennsylvania Association of School Retirees has managed to remain active despite COVID-19 curtailing in-person meetings.

On Dec. 4, a few members gathered to decorate a tree in the Lehighton park.

In November, Mary Ann Ashner and Connie Kistler took approximately 500 Christmas cards as well as monetary donations to Keystone Military to be distributed during the holiday season.

Toys for Tots has always been a recipient of gifts from members of PASR. This year instead of people from the group going out to purchase gifts, it was decided to send a monetary gift to support the children of the area.

PASR members look forward to the new year and will continue with its mission “to serve others in need and help one another enjoy retirement” during these difficult times.

If you would like to know more about PASR, please contact Gloria Bowman at bowman2@ptd.net.