Published December 09. 2020 01:45PM
Lehighton Borough Council took the following action on Monday:
• Announced that a donation in the amount of $20,000 was received for another set of park benches for its Upper Park.
• Approved the audit engagement letter with Hutchinson, Gillahan & Freeh, P.C. for the 2020 audit in the amount of $19,500.
• Approved the Lehighton School Site LLC Stipulation and Settlement Orders.
• Approved the Thomas Silvonek subdivision for 251 & 253 N. Second St.
• Discussed, but took no action, on a request from Rick Bjorkman for no parking between signs and bus parking only signs at the BHA Academy building on S. Fourth St.
• Approved the following reappointments: David Harleman, Water Authority; Henry Long Sr., Allen Young, Planning Commission; Harold Henry, Zoning Hearing Board; Kris Kunkle, Larry Stern, Greg Mriss, Sewer Authority; Judy Wingert, Shade Tree Commission (with four vacancies on this board still to be filled); John Kreitz, Civil Service Commission; Allen Young, Brian Schnell, Property Maintenance Board; and Chris Rodrigues, Vacancy Board.
• Announced that an opening exists on the Lehighton Area Memorial Library’s board of trustees.
• Approved the ratification of a resolution updating the requirements for the ACT 172 Credits due to COVID-19.
• Approved the ratification of COVID-19 “Task Force” actions since Aug. 3.
• Approved invoices to be paid before Dec. 31 with the list to be provided to council.
• Approved the year-end transfers in the treasurer’s report.
• Agreed to advertise the 2021 meeting dates.
- Terry Ahner