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Mysterious boom rocks Eldred

At 6:20 a.m. on Sunday Marietta Barlieb was feeding a barn cat out in her garage, and right across Chestnut Ridge her neighbor Lisa LoMonaco was in her kitchen when both were shaken by a mysterious boom.

"I ran to my back window and it was so dark I couldn't see anything," LoMonaco said."Later when we went outside we were shocked the pine tree branches and pine cones were all over the yard. Just yesterday the yard was clean. Something just ripped through the trees."Paul and Lisa LoMonaco live on the crest of Chestnut Ridge, just above property owned by Ricky Gower. The Gower property was leased last year to Nestle Waters, NA. Nestle is currently seeking a permit to extract spring water from the springs that populate the tract of land owned by the Gower family.The LoMonacos are currently named parties to an appeal filed against Eldred Township which claims that the zoning ordinance under which Nestle is seeking its permit, was unlawfully revised in 2014.Aside from the two other parties originally named in the suit, about 100 other residents of the township have also intervened in the matter.The LoMonacos' property abuts the Gower property and they can see the proposed extraction site from their kitchen window.Barlieb, whose home is directly across the street from LoMonaco, also heard and felt the explosion."I was out in the garage and I thought the wall was going to collapse, it shook so hard," Barlieb told her neighbor, Donna Deihl.Deihl described the damage to the trees in LoMonaco's yard as being 30 feet wide. She said the ground was covered with debris from the pine trees.When the LoMonacos discovered the damage in their yard they contacted the Pennsylvania State Police. The police came and took a report and pictures. They also recovered broken glass at the scene that the LoMonacos said had not been there the day before.State police have not issued a report at this time.