Published December 05. 2020 06:04AM
As long as people listen to “pundits” like Michael Reagan who continue to misinform people about mask wearing, we will continue to suffer from the COVID virus. In his recent editorial “Thanks for wrecking the holidays,” he twisted facts, mentioning that since about 85% of people wear masks, “does that mean that the 15% who don’t wear masks are the ones who are catching the virus? Or do the cloth masks that most people wear really not do the job of protecting us ... ?” Has he not yet learned the axiom, “Your mask protects ME, and my mask protects YOU”?
A fabric mask is meant to stop the normal spray of particles spewed when we speak or cough. This protects other people. It does NOT prevent the virus particles from other people from penetrating your own mask.
Prevention of virus spread requires BOTH PEOPLE to wear a mask. This simple idea seems to be impossible for mask deniers to comprehend. Ignore the ignorant pundits, and do the right thing. Mask up.
Linda Zak