Train display greets visitors to Palmerton
A train display now greets visitors on each side of the bridge as they enter and exit Palmerton’s main thoroughfare.
The display sits on the Chestnut Ridge Railroad trestle suspended across Delaware Avenue and includes two lighted four-car trains, which include the New Jersey Zinc engines, box cars and Chestnut Ridge cabooses.
And it couldn’t have come at a better time, with the holidays and all, according to Joe Federanich, chairman of the Palmerton Holiday Lighting Committee.
“It’s just something that our committee wanted to do,” Federanich said. “It’s our present from the committee to the community, with everything being turned upside down.”
The idea for the display came from Federanich, as the Palmerton Historical Society had old pictures of the New Jersey Zinc engines, including a replica of their old ones, while the caboose is a picture of the old Chestnut Ridge.
Federanich said they had to get permission from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and Chestnut Ridge for the more than 60-foot-long display.
Originally, he said the committee had priced a decoration through Rileighs Outdoor Decor, of Bethlehem, but that would have cost $50,000.
Instead, Federanich said the committee hired local mechanic Todd Merkel, of Wizards of Wires, who designed it, made it and put it up for $15,000.
The train will be lit on Dec. 5, and will coincide with the lighting of the trees in the borough park, along with an appearance from Santa Claus, who will ride throughout town on the firetruck.
“Everything will be lighted that day,” he said. “Todd takes care of everything.”
Federanich noted the committee received a $900 donation from First Northern Bank in Palmerton.
However, he said the committee is still in search of donations, which may be mailed to Palmerton Holiday Lighting Committee at 410 Delaware Ave.
Anyone with questions may call Federanich at 610-826-5777.