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Towamensing supervisors hear road complaints

Resident George White told Towamensing Township supervisors at the Sept. 5 meeting that Deer Lane was breaking up and asked if something would be done yet this fall. He said there are more trucks and construction vehicles using the road than usual.

Lakeside Drive is also forming cracks along the edges, he said.Supervisor Tom Newman said the township has 71 miles of roads.Supervisor Guy Seifert said next year is planned as a big year for fixing roads. He said last year, the township rented a crack sealer in conjunction with Lower Towamensing to fix cracks.Vinnie Castillo said cars come up the hill from Kresgeville on Pohopoco Drive just after entering Carbon County travel at excessive speeds with a short sight distance.Seifert said that section of Pohopoco is a state road and the township cannot do anything about it.In other buisness:• An extension for the Smith/Shultz subdivision was denied because it has been dragging out for years with continually requested extensions.• The Towamensing Township Historical Commission received permission to participate in the Weatherly 150th anniversary parade on Oct. 5.• The Commission will be hosting an open house at the recently acquired Greenzweig School Oct. 13, 2 to 6 p.m. It hopes to have all the holes in the roof fixed by that time.• A recycling event is scheduled for Sept. 7-8, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Residents can bring their large items that are not taken in normal trash collection to the municipal building. Not acceptable are yard waste, animal waste and construction materials.There will be a charge for anything with Freon, $25; tires, $10; small televisions and computers, $10 and large console televisions, $25.• The parking lot with drainage will be finished shortly at the ball field. A meeting will be held with resident Ricky Mertz because he is concerned that his property will be affected by the drainage.• Roadsides are being mowed for the third time this year due to the rapid vegetation growth.• Towamensing Fire Company answered mutual aid calls with Franklin and Polk fire companies. It responded to a dumpster fire and a vehicle fire.• Zoning officer Carl Faust said he was going to his office to pick up some papers he wanted to go over with the supervisors and returned with a cake for Supervisor Tom Newman's 70 birthday, which will be on Sept. 18.• A zoning-SALDO meeting will be held Sept. 9 after the 7 p.m. planning commission meeting and Sept. 24 at 7 p.m.• Zoning hours for the next several months are changing because Faust will be attending classes. For September, hours are Sept. 11, 19 and 26, 5 to 7 p.m. or for an appointment email zoning@ towzoning.com or call 610-681-4202 ext. 3 or 570-943-2577.

ELSA KERSCHNER/TNONLINE.Com Supervisor Tom Newman will be celebrating his 70th birthday on Sept. 18. The township presented him with a cake.