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Police target aggressive drivers

Mahoning Township Police will be joining the Pennsylvania State Police and over 225 municipal agencies conducting the first targeted aggressive driving enforcement up through Nov. 22.

The township will target state Routes 209, 443, 902 and any other roadways within the township.As part of the Aggressive Driving Enforcement and Education Project, the first wave will aim to reduce the number of aggressive driving related crashes, injuries and deaths on over 444 roadways throughout the State. Any aggressive driver stopped by police will receive a ticketMunicipal police agencies that participated in last year's campaign wrote 58,032 aggressive-driving related citations, including 35,126 for speeding alone. Traffic Control Signal Signs was the second most-common offense, resulting in 4,879 citations. Additionally, the enforcement brought about 67 felony arrests, 121 DUI arrests and 62 DUI drug-related arrests.The aggressive driving enforcement is a part of the Pennsylvania Aggressive Driving Enforcement and Education Project and is funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.Visit

www.justdrivePA.org for more information.