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Money matters dominate meeting

Money matters took up a major portion of Polk Township's September meeting. Among the items is that the township has received word that its 2013 projected state allocation from the Highway Aid Fund is almost $215,000. That number is based on township miles (55.04) and population (7,874) but it may change due to circumstances. However, getting a tentative figure will help supervisors plan for the next year.

Also to be received by the township is $25,000 for the pension fund and monies via the Volunteer Fire Relief Association, which will go to the fire company in an in-and-out transaction.Chairman Brian K. Ahner reported that the recent township auction netted $34,706.69 after expenses. "We sold everything we no longer use," he said.Under approved upcoming expenses was $2,159.70 for two-way communication radios for two trucks.The township will be looking for a new plow truck. That will be the first new truck since 1999 the board agreed.Also being considered is a computer for Emergency Management Coordinator Barry Borger. Both he and the county may be asked for input into what he needs in a laptop to best handle any situations.Tabled in order to have time to review it, since the township had just received it, was a 2012 PSATS Resolution as per Monroe County asking for support for a change in legislation "to amend Section 3205 of the Second Class Township Code to authorize the board of supervisors to levy an annual tax, not to exceed five mills, to establish, fund, and/or operate a township or regional police department or to contract with another municipality for police protection."The reason given for the resolution was "Townships that provide police protection to their residents do not have a dedicated means to pay for this expensive service. Additional sources of revenue are needed to continue to fund municipal police departments."The supervisors can ask questions at the upcoming state convention in regard to the resolution and its subject matter.The Board also tabled an air conditioning and heating service contract. They want to get more information.In regard to property matters, the Board said it would sign an already approved plan after the meeting; gave conditional approval to the ATPA, LLC Alex Trakham Annexation plan, with the instruction the applicant must meet the conditions that have not yet been met; and accepted a 90-day time extension request to give the Jessie F. Felker Estate Subdivision time to complete a driveway application.In one zoning matter the property owner has indicated he will try to fix the system, reported Solicitor James Ferari. At least for now there is no raw sewage, he said, adding a bank may take over the property. There is "no progress" attested Zoning/Codes officer Gerald Zurat.With a unanimous vote the Board approved the employee handbook. It has been worked on for some time.Announced was that:*The recent rainstorm had forced the closure of four roads at Dotters Corner. There was "quite a bit of damage" but it "could have been worse."*Recycling cardboard had brought in $3,600 but glass was not being received, although Chairman Ahner will do some more research to find a place, and newspaper recycling was facing fluctuating, usually falling, prices.*Oct. 6 is a Clean-up Day for residents with valid permits.* Trick or Treat will be held from 5 to 8 p.m., Oct. 31. "By tradition, it's always been held on Halloween," explained Supervisor Nancy May.The only resident who spoke questioned if the township really needed the siren at the firehouse. It is currently not functioning. He said it is "a bloody nuisance," detailing how it hurts his ears when it goes off.He did not so much mind the old siren he explained, which according to him, was a 5 h.p. The current one is a 20 h.p., he said.The supervisors will consider his comments.