Greater Northern Lehigh Chamber gears up for holidays
The Greater Northern Lehigh Chamber of Commerce, partner of the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber, announces upcoming events.
• “30 Days of Giving” campaign to ensure all our neighbors have food on their tables this winter.
Each day in November, participants are encouraged to gather a different food item, outlined in the Facebook event or an item of their choosing, such as boxed macaroni and cheese or canned beans, and watch their food donation grow throughout the month.
For more information visit the Facebook Event page. Participants can bring the food collected from the 30 Days of Giving to their food pantry of choice or deliver them to the chamber booths at Slatington borough and Lehigh Township tree lightings.
• Continuing the long-held Christmas tradition in Slatington, the Slatington Borough’s Tree Lighting Ceremony will be held on Dec. 4 in Veterans Memorial Park. The event will be growing this year with additional activities, craft and business vendors, like ColorStreet or Scentsy, a coloring contest for children, dance performances from Rhythm and Sole Dance Studio, and food trucks offering food for purchase. In addition, Lehigh Township will host its inaugural tree lighting event on Dec. 6 in Bryfogle Park. Both events will feature Santa and the ceremonial lighting of the municipality’s tree.
The chamber was able to get permission from Slatington Borough to close a portion of Second Street to ensure social distancing and other safety measures would be in place.
More vendors have signed up this year.
Masks will be required at all in-person events, and safety guidelines will be enforced.
Neff’s National Bank is a sponsor for both tree lightings.
• The Greater Northern Lehigh Chamber is looking to bring the business community together at Small Business Saturday on Nov. 28.
This national event was started by American Express in 2010 and has become an annual event that supports our local businesses. “Small Business Saturday piggy backs off the holiday shopping frenzy that begins at Thanksgiving with the biggest shopping day of the year, Black Friday,” said Hayden Rinde, an associate of the Greater Northern Lehigh Chamber.
“With foot traffic having decreased throughout stores of all kinds this year due to the pandemic, businesses are coming together to offer deals and specials to celebrate this event.”
Businesses are encouraged to participate in the Greater Northern Lehigh Shop Local Coupon Sheet, which will be used to cross-promote businesses throughout the region, and to order their free Shop Small “swag” from American Express. For more information or to participate, reach out to Kylie Adams at
• The Greater Northern Lehigh House Decorating Contest is designed to bring a little extra holiday spirit to the community. Residents of Slatington Borough, Walnutport Borough and Washington Township are invited decorate the exterior of their homes before or during Thanksgiving weekend and submit their addresses for the judging on Dec. 2. The winner will be announced at the Slatington Tree Lighting event on Dec. 4.
For more information on all events, please visit the Greater Northern Lehigh Chamber’s Facebook page at