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East Penn to hold special meeting March 15

East Penn Township Supervisors will hold a special township workshop meeting at 6:30 p.m. March 15 to once again discuss the fate of the social hall.

Schwab said the township received estimates to bring the building into ADA compliance estimated at $400,000.

“The township mortgage is $300,000. We would have to borrow the money. We were contacted by the USDA already. … It would be 40 years at 3.75 percent. The payment would be $2,640 a month on top of the existing mortgage. If we commit and borrow for 20 years it would be $3,600 a month but we’d have an office here,” Schwab said.

“I don’t feel comfortable bonding the township after I’m gone,” he said.

“My feeling is it might be cheaper to level it,” he said.

Schwab said he would shorten the building in half to create a meeting room and space for the township administration offices.

“We have to see where we’re at with this because we have people who want to rent it,” Heckman said.

“It’s costing the township for the breakfast events. They only made $128 when it cost $300 to run. Now that Loretta is stepping away it won’t be run by someone who is affiliated with the township. At least when we rent it we’re getting some money out of it,” he said.

“We still have to pay the mortgage whether we demolish it or not. We still leave to fix the bathrooms,” said Supervisor Alice Berger.

“It’s thousands of dollars in materials just to put handicap doors in,” Schwab said.

The issue was tabled for the special March meeting.