Published July 14. 2017 12:24PM
Make those pipes thunder!
At least, that's the goal of those who attend the Thundering Pipes for Duffy Poker Run and basket raffle, which will be held Saturday at the Palmerton Rod & Gun Club in Palmerton.The second annual benefit ride for Mike Duffy will be held rain or shine. The ride will be a poker run registration from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Kickstands up at noon.The cost for tickets is $25 a person, and $5 a guest the day of event. The tickets include food, beer, other beverages and entertainment. Cars are welcome.Entertainment will include The Rock Villains, DJ Tony, Damian Walck and more.The basket raffle will be from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. There will also be a bake sale, Chinese auction, 50/50s, a dunk tank, and mechanical bull riding.Volunteers are needed to help with the bake sale, and donations for the basket raffle also.Duffy, of Lehighton, has stage 4 esophageal cancer, which now spread to his lymphoids.He must do long-term chemotherapy, and also receives treatments at home with a pump that is connected to him.Mike's wife, Sheila, said he began having problems swallowing in November 2015.Sheila said he had a GI done, at which time a mass was found, and he was in stage three when they found it.She said Mike went through chemotherapy and radiation, and his esophagus was removed.He then spent a week in a coma, and went into remission for 10 months.He was diagnosed in February with stage 4 esophageal cancer, which now spread to his lymphoids.Mike has chemotherapy every other Monday."Mike is fighting like a champ, but (there are) times where he can't go no more and needs rest," Sheila said."The benefit is a great honor to my husband, for whom he had attended many benefits himself to support and sponsor the charity."
Mike Duffy of Lehighton is shown here with his granddaughter, Kenna Hudock.
Mike Duffy with his daughter, Jocelyn Hudock. CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS