Published May 05. 2017 02:46PM
Lehighton has the unique distinction of having two different bowling alleys within walking distance of downtown.
Now the owner of one of those bowling centers would like to see high school students from the borough competing against other schools around the area.Brian Steigerwalt of Cypress Lanes recently asked the Lehighton Area Board of Education to consider adding bowling as a varsity sport, at the request of a group of Lehighton girls who already bowl at the club level."We would really like to get it in as a sport. I think it would be a good opportunity for the girls," Steigerwalt said.The idea came about after two bowlers at Cypress, who are also Lehighton High School students, qualified for the district tournament last year."They really enjoyed it, and want to try to get a team in there. I can't get a team in because we don't have it as a sport," Steigerwalt said.Bowling is a winter sport in Pennsylvania.Cypress is located just a few blocks from Lehighton High School.Lehighton Superintendent Jonathan Cleaver said that he would refer the matter to the school board's athletic committee.He said that while the interested students are girls, it would probably have to be a coed team to satisfy Title IX."Many PIAA schools have it, and we have a facility close by here. We will definitely take it to our athletic committee for more discussion," Cleaver said.