Published December 26. 2012 05:02PM
Miller-Keystone Blood Drive
In spite of their busy holiday schedules, 78 potential donors registered for the Miller-Keystone Palmerton community blood drive on Wednesday, Dec. 19, and 70 units were collected. This drive was sponsored by Larry and Sharon Engle, and Janet Snyder.The following donors reached gallon levels: Carl Behler, 18 gallons; Nancy Kresge, 15 gallons; Thomas Lager, 10 gallons; Dale Smith, six gallons; Shirley Greene, five gallons; Barry George, three gallons; George Elliston, one gallon. There were five first-time donors.Many volunteers are needed to run a blood drive. These people gave their time to make it a success: Pam Andrews, George Ashman, Mary Beth Beers, Romaine Biege, Harry Brown, Jane Cervenak, Diane Danielson, Thomasine Falcone, Linda Finley, Jean Fritzinger, Linda Finley, Rita Goidich, Shirley Greene, Jean Halmi, Anita Harry, Betty Hartman, "Biff" Hayes, Cindy Heimbach, Marian Hoffner, Susan Hunsicker, Nancy Kresge, Audrey Larvey, Paula Lendvay, Helen Nonnemaker, Darlene Nothstein, Richard Nothstein, Susan Olivia, Carol Papay, Evelyn Plechavy, Marge Porambo, Lucille Rex, Terri Sebelin, Perma Snyder, Betty Steigerwalt, Kathy Steigerwalt, Mary Taschler, Annette Wargo, Tara Wargo, Brenda Wentz and Joan Wivell.The next Miller community blood drive will be on Tuesday, Feb. 19 from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., again at the First UCC.There will also be a Miller drive for Palmerton High School students and faculty on Wednesday, Feb. 27.