Published October 26. 2020 11:53AM
Ross Township’s Halloween pet costume contest was short on participants, but not canine personality.
Five of man’s best friends tried their best to impress the judge, Tina Drake, a Ross Township supervisor.
Angelana Bucano of Effort and her dog, Cooper, took the prize of Owner and Pet Most Look-alike. Both sported matching police officer costumes, right down to their caps.
Nick Wilson of Saylorsburg and his dog Nala dressed as a colorful unicorn won the Cutest Prize.
Two very small dogs, Yogi and Denver Skye and their owner Irene Henning of Reeders won the Scariest Prize. Dressed as lions, the pair made up for their size with their willingness to bark ferociously at the bigger dogs.
Last but not least, Ella, a 9-week-old ball of fluff, and her owner Bob Carhart of Saylorsburg won the prize for Most Original.
Angelana Bucano of Effort and her dog Cooper won the Owner Pet Most Look-alike. AMY LEAP/TIMES NEWS