Published October 17. 2020 07:21AM
Letter to the Editor,
Thank you, Times News, for publishing the article ‘I no longer consider myself an NFL fan” by Christine Flowers (Tuesday 9/22/20). I join her by refusing any NFL game to be televised in my house. I was raised in a God-fearing home and learned patriotism in school from first grade through 12th!
I lost an uncle in World War II and had many more relatives who served in wars to keep America free. I recently read the story of the British raid on Fort McHenry with bombs weighing as much as 186 pounds that continued unrelentingly through the night Francis Scott Key witnessed the battle firsthand on board one of those battleships, writing the words to “The Star-Spangled Banner.” He also wrote firsthand how the British could not understand how the flag continued to stand through the constant shelling all night. Then as dawn came, the flag was still there!
The real shock came when they found out the flag was held upright, not by a large flagpole, but by true Americans holding that tattered flag aloft on a crude staff, many who gave their life taking their turn. Not too many years ago it was unlawful to desecrate the flag, use it for clothing or use any part or color for any other use.
Sadly that law has been cast aside. Soon, all respect will also be cast aside, and I shudder to see that day arrive. Until then, I too will turn the channel.
Thank you,
Richard M. Gross