Published February 02. 2016 08:23AM
At 7 a.m. today the groundhog saw her shadow in the field behind Cherry’s Diner in Kresgeville.
Members of the Grundsow Lodsch Nummer Sexa gathered early this morning and brought along their long time weather prognosticator, Sammi.Sammi only speaks Pennsylvania German so lodge weatherman, Neil Murphy had to translate for her.“Well Sammi says it' six more weeks of winter,” said Murphy.Lodge President Lee Haas added that Sammi didn’t think it would be as cold and snowy as the past years.Murphy took over as weatherman in the past few years from long time lodge weatherman and translator, Harold L. Kreger. Kreger passed away last Friday.Kreger’s son Ted was on hand with his son Jared to be a part of the tradition that was so much a part of his father and his grandfather’s lives.“Dad never taught us the German. He and our grandfather used to speak it around us when we were kids,” Kreger said.“We used to think they were talking about us.”Kreger said that he is sorry he never learned the language or joined the lodge and hoped that he did not disappoint his father. Kreger had tears in his eyes as he spoke about his dad.“We lost dad on Friday, and on Saturday I became a grandfather for the first time,” Kreger said. “It’s such a time sadness and happiness.”Murphy also spoke of Harold Kreger.“Harold and I were both soybean farmers. Groundhogs love soybeans. So we feel very differently about groundhogs in the summer then we do now,” he said.Sammi has been with the lodge for many years, according to Haas.But, alas Sammi passed away about seven years ago, so now she attends the yearly event and her preserved state.