The big cities of the world may receive all of the attention, but there is something special about small towns. People get to know each other, and special things can happen in the context of community. One of my favorite events during Jesus’ life didn’t occur at Jerusalem or any other city that might roll off of our tongues. It occurred at a little place called Gennesaret.
Gennesaret was big enough to be fortified, but small enough that no trace of it remains. The Bible tells us it was located on the southwest shore of the Sea of Galilee, roughly 2 to 3 miles from Capernaum. On one blessed day, the Messiah traveled through town and changed the lives of the people in that area forever.
The boat arrived to shore at Gennesaret carrying Jesus and the disciples. They were probably exhausted from the night before. The storms had raged before the disciples witnessed Jesus walk on water to meet them. Peter was probably still drenched from his sinking in the water due to his doubt, and when they all arrived at Gennesaret, they were definitely noticed.
The men there had recognized Jesus, and they sent word immediately to all of the surrounding area for the sick to be brought to Him. As the sick were brought to Jesus, Matthew 14:36 records that “they implored Him that they might just touch the fringe of His cloak; and as many as touched it were cured.”
Now, Jesus healed a lot of people in many different ways. A lot of those times it was much more dramatic than this. This short account may not stand out to us very much if we just look at the healing. What has always impacted me about this passage is the mindset of the people of Gennesaret. Did you catch what they did? Maybe it would be best to ask if you caught what they didn’t do?
When the men of Gennesaret recognized Jesus, they immediately stopped what they were doing, but it wasn’t to run to Him asking for their own requests or for favor to be shown to them. These men recognized Jesus, and their first thought was the other people who needed to come to Him.
These sick people were not able to get there themselves. They had no means so they must be brought, and that’s exactly what they did. They paused their lives, thought of other people first, and acted on their faith by going to get the sick and bringing them to Jesus.
The names of these men are not recorded in the Bible. Some may never notice they are mentioned and others may think what they did is trivial. But to all those who were healed that day, these men were heroes. To the families and to all the future generations that heard the story of how their relative was brought to Jesus, these men were heroes. Sometimes I wonder just how many came to a saving faith in Christ because of what these men did.
Many times, in our lives, God will give us opportunities to do something that will forever change the trajectory of someone’s eternal fate. It might look trivial. It might seem meaningless. No one might remember you did it. But for that one person, that one family, your act of selfless kindness may forever change them. Never underestimate the power of sharing God’s love with others!