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Reappointments made to Luzerne/Schuylkill Workforce board

Five members of the Luzerne/Schuylkill Workforce Investment Board Inc. were reappointed for two year terms by the Schuylkill County commissioners at Wednesday's public meeting. The commissioners took their meeting on the road once again, holding it in the new Foster Township Municipal Building.

Reappointed to the workforce board were Frank Koller, manager of SAPA Industrial Extrusion Cressona Operation; David L. Schulz, training coordinator for Ateeco Inc., distributors of Mrs. T's Perogies, Shenandoah; Jack Hallick, manager of Michael Foods Egg Products, Klingerstown; and Dr. Diane M. Niederriter, executive director of Schuylkill Intermediate Unit 29 School District.Other businessThe bid of Fidler Brothers Construction Company, Pottsville, was accepted to remove debris accumulated under two county bridges in Tremont Borough at a cost of $7,980. The firm was low bidder.A contract with Larson Design Group was extended because the current contract expires Aug. 31, 2012, and PennDOT is still reviewing the foundation plans and core borings for the county bridge which carries Newswanger Road over Little Swatara Creek in Washington Township. The company prepared the preliminary engineering design for the bridge.Five purchase of service agreements were approved for the Childlren and Youth Service Agency.An agreement was entered with Hoffman Homes, Gettysburg, for psychiatric residential treatment at $243.76 per day, which is funded through medical assistance. RedCo Group, Pottsville, for administrative services at $6.89 per unit cost; collateral services at $13.78 per unit and case management at $1 5.65 per unit. Schuylkill Intermediate Unit 29, Norwegian Township, for day treatment at $150 per day. The Children's Choice, Bellmawr, N.J., for foster care, Level I, $38.50 per day; profile update at $500 per unit and adoption placement, $4,000 per unit.An open-ended contract with Fanelli Warehousing and Distribution Center Inc., was approved for a four percent increase in storage costs, retroactive to Jan. 1.On behalf of Rest Haven Home a contract was entered with Nursing Associates Inc., Murrysville, and Lori's Angels, Schuylkill Haven, for providing a temporary nurse staffing.Four contracts were approved for the Drug and Alcohol Program. Two contracts were entered with Clinical Outcomes Group Inc., one for evaluation of the reentry program at a cost of $4,000 and a contract to conduct life skills at a cost of $14,560.A cost reimbursement agreement was entered with CMG Cleaning Services, Pottsville, at a cost of $7,800 and a cost reimbursement contract with Borough of Minersville for alternative cost of $1,600.A contract was entered with Green's Communications Inc., Pottsville, to perform emergency repairs to tower sites due to damages caused by severe weather last May. The cost of the agreement is $52,695. Commissioner Mantura Gallager reported the cost is covered by an insurance minus the deductible.Approval was given to the office of Solid Waste to seek invitational bids for the collection of tires and electronics at the county's fall cleanup which will take place from Sept. 19 to to Oct. 1 of this year.Personnel mattersAction was taken on a number of personal matters.Rest Haven Home - Ashley Kepple, Auburn, hired as a full time nurse's aide at $11.72 per hour; Nora George, Auburn, hired as a part time licensed practical nurse at $15.99 per hour; Baraba Stephens, Minersville, resigned as a full time licensed practical nurse; and Jennifer Ferrier, Cressona; Maria Matlock, Pottsville, and Brian Bohr and Suzanne Renninger, Schuylkill Haven, were terminated as employees.The court informed the board that Shane Clark, Pottsville, was hired as a juvenile probation officer at $20.82 per hour; Lori Lehman, Schuylkill Haven, was named a district judge assistant at $12.27 per hour; and Christopher Ferig, Ashland; Joseph Kayes, Shenandoah, and Andrew Runkle, Port Carbon, hired as correctional officers at the county prison at $15.6375 per hour.Jodi Fetterolf, Pine Grove, resigned as a case manager with the Office of Senior Services.The by-weekly work session next week will be held on a Thursday instead of Wednesday, which is the regular day. The session begins at 10 a.m. in the Hoffman Room at the courthouse.The prison board will also hold its monthly meeting Thursday in the commissioners' board room beginning at 11 a.m.