Stadium parking lot paving could cost $250,000
It could cost Northern Lehigh School District upwards of $300,000 to pave its stadium parking lot and replace doors at its middle school.
The school board unanimously agreed on Monday to authorize administration to enter into contracts with successful bidder for the paving project at the stadium parking lot with a not to exceed amount of $250,000, to be paid from the Capital projects account.Also on Monday, the board authorized administration to enter into contracts with successful bidder for the Northern Lehigh Middle School door replacement project, with a not to exceed amount of $57,320, to be paid from the Capital projects account.In an unrelated matter, the board approved submission of PlanCon Part J "Project Accounting Based on Final Costs" to the Pennsylvania Department of Education for Slatington Elementary School Project #3532. The PlanCon Part J document has been audited by Gorman & Associates, PC, and submission of same will establish a permanent reimbursement rate for these projects.In addition, the board approved the submission of PlanCon Part K for Northern Lehigh School District's General Obligation Bonds, Series 2012. PlanCon K is a required form for bond refinancing.In other business, the board:• Approved the Supplemental Personnel Salary Schedule for the 2013-14 school year as presented.• Approved Carol Fella, Music; Caitlin Makoul, Elementary and English as Second Language; and Stephanie Mohler, Elementary, as substitute teachers for the 2012-13 school year at the 2012-13 substitute teacher rates as approved on the Supplementary Personnel Salary Schedule. Fella and Makoul's appointments are pending verification of missing documents.• Approved Rosetta Strohl as a substitute cafeteria worker, custodian, and teachers aide for the 2012-13 school year at the 2012-13 substitute rates as approved on the Supplementary Personnel Salary Schedule.• Approved Dima Hanna as a substitute cafeteria worker and teachers aide for the 2012-13 school year at the 2012-13 substitute teacher rates as approved on the Supplementary Personnel Salary Schedule.• Approved school board policy #334.1, Professional Employees, Benevolence Sick Leave, as presented after first reading.• Approved school board policy #806, Operations, Child/Student Abuse, as presented after first reading.• Granted homebound instruction for a 10th grade student, Student No. 1515600, for five hours per week, effective April 15, 2013, and continuing until about Sept. 1, 2013.• Granted Susan Bahnick permission to attend the PA School Nutrition Programs Conference, Healthy School Meals, from June 9-10, at the Penn State Hotel, in State College, Pa, with lodging of $214; meals $50; and travel, $183, for a total approximate cost of $447, to be funded from the district's Food Services Budget.• Approved to contract with Art Feinberg as an independent contractor school psychologist for the 2013-14 school year. Feinberg will be employed on an as-needed basis to assist the Special Education Department with student psychological services. His rate of pay will be $350 per day, and will not exceed 90 days.• Approved to employ teachers Susan Beil, Courtney Seremula, and Elizabeth Vasquez, at a rate of $27 per hour, and instructional aide, Stephanie Stillwell, at a rate of $12.88 per hour, to conduct an Extended School Year Program for special education students in the district. The program will be for four hours a day, and take place from July 9-Aug. 1, on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings, and from Aug. 5-15, on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings.• Authorized administration to enter into an agreement with Pediatric Therapeutic Services to provide contracted speech therapists on an as-needed-basis, at a cost of $68 per hour for the 2013-14 school year.• Approved to authorize proper officials to enter into an agreement between the Northern Lehigh School District and Around the Clock Nursing, Inc., for the purpose of providing in-school nursing care for student No. 1390061, for the 2013-14 school year, at a cost of $25 per day, or $40 per day when student is on a field trip, and not on school premises.• Rescinded the appointment of Angela Shoemaker from her position as Senior Class Advisor in the amount of $641 for the 2012-13 school year, which was originally approved at the Aug. 13, 2012 board meeting.• Approved Shoemaker for Senior Class Advisor for the period July, 2012-Dec. 2012, in the amount of $320.• Approved Candice Saville for Senior Class Advisor for the period Jan. 2013, through June 2013, in the amount of $320.• Approved Vonda Larson as a game worker for the 2012-13 season. Game workers consist of ticket sellers and takers, game announcers, scoreboard operators, timers, field judges, and scorekeepers. The rate of pay is consistent with the rates approved on the 2012-13 Supplementary Personnel Salary Schedule.• Approved the awarding of diesel fuel bids to Papco, Inc; #2 grade fuel oil transport delivery to Petroleum Traders; #2 grade fuel oil tankwagon delivery to Papco, Inc., and unleaded gasoline to Papco, Inc., with a contract period of July 1, 2013, to June 30, 2014.• Approved a tuition fee of $30 per student for a six-week elementary summer band program, and also approved a stipend for summer band program director Steven Jonkman. Jonkman's stipend will be equal to the amount collected for student participation, but will not exceed $1,000. The summer band program will run on Monday and Wednesday mornings from June 24-July 31.• Appointed Sweet, Stevens, Wiliams & Katz, LLP, as special counsel for the 2013-14 school year. The hourly rate for nonroutine matters will be $185 per hour; for routine or general advice, $140 per hour; and for legal assistance for routine and nonroutine matters, $115 per hour. There is no increase over last year's rates.• Elected Director Donna Kulp as board treasurer for the 2013-14 fiscal year, effective July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014.• Elected Director Gregory Williams as board secretary for a four-year term, effective July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2017.