Published July 11. 2013 05:05PM
At a recent meeting of the Mahoning Township supervisors, action was taken on the following items by four of the five supervisors. Supervisor Todd Weaver was absent as was Solicitor Tom Nanovic.
The supervisors approved on a 4-0 vote the following actions:• Granted three waivers for the Cunfer subdivision which waived perc test requirements, allowed side lot lines to not be at right angles or radial to street line and waived requirements for survey markers along the right of way.• Granted four waivers for the Hemlock Drive subdivision which included waiving the minimum length for the access lane, allowing the detention basin to be collinear with the 100 year flood plain, providing driveway cross section and proposed grading and waiving the driveway ten foot setback.• Granted conditional approval for the Hemlock Drive Subdivision setting the following conditions on the plan: granting of the four waivers in the previous item, stabilization work is done, driveway separation, removal of foundation of previous dwelling and change of Nawal Hadeed's title on plan from president to partner.Also, approval of a highway occupancy permit and dimension of rear lot line #8 and the mylar.• Accepted a letter of resignation from Lamar Gilbert who served on the zoning board.• Received applications for and hired Alden Everett and Geoff Ebbert as temporary part time road department employees at a rate of $10.00 per hour not to exceed forty hours per week.The supervisors also passed a resolution urging the Pennsylvania legislature to free taxpayers from the undue burden of the Prevailing Wage Act of 1961 on a 3-1 vote with Supervisors Bruce Steigerwalt, Linda Benner and Franklin Ruch supporting the action while Chairperson John Wieczorek was opposed.