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BARC sponsors yard sale

The Bowmanstown Area Residents Connected is encouraging all residents to participate in their annual community yard sale to be held on Saturday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Maps of all registered sellers will be distributed at several locations.

BARC will be selling raffle tickets to win a park bench to raise funds for community projects. Tickets will be available at 422 Ore St. and 509 White St.

BARC is again partnering with the Green Drop, which will pick up donations after the sale at 2:30 p.m. from residents willing to donate what they do not sell.

Donations will benefit the Military Order of the Purple Heart, a congressionally chartered veterans organization made up of combat-wounded veterans who provide valuable resources, programs, and support dedicated to helping all veterans and their families. Residents must be present to load donations on the truck.

“Last year was a huge success with over 40 households registered. We are looking forward to another fun and exciting day to enjoy the fall weather and hunt for great bargains,” BARC Vice President Rodney Reeser said. “It’s a great way to build our community. Emmanuel UCC will be hosting their fall bazaar and hot dog stand, so don’t forget to visit them.”

“COVID has kept us mostly home, and this is a great opportunity to get outside and be socially active. We expect people to respect the social distancing guidelines to protect the safety of themselves and others in these unsure times, and are grateful for the opportunity to host our event,” BARC President Kara Scott said.

For more information, email Rodney Reeser at rodmar@ptd.net, or call Kara Scott at 610-703-0029.