Garred Ahner attains Eagle Scout during Eagle Court of Honor
Garred Ahner of Ashfield and a member of Boy Scout Troop 755, Clamtown, attained the rank of Eagle Scout during an Eagle Court of Honor program held May 26, 2012 at Ben Salem United Church of Christ, Church, Ashfield.
Eagle Scout is the highest rank in Boy Scouting.Garred, son of Margie Frey and Kevin Ahner, entered Boy Scouting on Dec. 17, 2005.The rank of Eagle Scout is reached by only two out of every 100 boys in Scouting. In order to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout, a scout must earn a minimum of 21 merit badges and hold positions of leadership and or responsibility.They must complete an Eagle Scout Service Project, which requires a minimum of 100 man hours and include planning, fundraising, obtaining the material, and organizing and supervising others.For Garred's Eagle Scout Service Project, he created a youth center at Ben Salem Church from storage space. Garred removed items that were stored inside the building, raised the funds to purchase supplies and cleaned and painted the building to give children and their parents a lounge area where they can relax, hold parties, watch movies, and play games. Garred completed the project with the assistance of several other scouts, leaders, and parents.The Frey family have attended Ben Salem United Church of Christ since 1797, when the church was founded. Ben Salem Church is the oldest church in Carbon County.Marlin "Bubbie" Tyson, former Scoutmaster of Troop 775, served as chairman of the Court of Honor. Tyson called the Court of Honor to order and recognized all Eagle Scouts in attendance.Daniel Tyson and Daniel Miller, members of Troop 775, took part in a candlelighting program with gold candles that proclaimed the rules of Scouting. A Scout must be trustworthy, loyal, friendly, courteous, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. The Scouts also lit three candles to represent the Scout Oath to be loyal, cheerful and have courage.To earn the highest rank in Scouting, a Scout must spent a great deal of time and effort to reach this accomplishment. Several years ago, Garred began his journey. He learned Scouting's ideals, the Scout Oath, Scout Law and motto and slogan and pledged to live by those guidelines. Garred then worked through the Tenderfoot requirements, and became a Second Class Scout, then First Class Scout, attained Star Rank, Life Scout and then reached Eagle Scout."Becoming an Eagle Scout is not the end of the journey, it is only the beginning," said Tyson, who made the Eagle Scout presentation to Garred.His mother, Margie Frey pinned the Eagle Scout pin on his chest and Garred presented a mother's Eagle Scoutpin to his mother and a father's Eagle Scout pin his father.Speaking at the ceremony was Bill Oswald, an Eagle Scout and Garred's uncle. Garred is a third generation Eagle Scout. His late grandfather Howard Frey, was also an Eagle Scout and so was another uncle, Charles Frey.Garred presented mentor pins to Hazel Hoppes, his great-grandmother; and to is his late grandfather, Howard Frey, which was accepted by his grandmother, Marilyn Frey.General Jay Barry presented a Certificate of Recognition from the United States Air Force and his uncle, Bill Oswald presented Garred with an engraved pocket knife. Garred was also recognized with an Appreciation Award by Ben Salem United Church of Christ, presented by the Rev. Michael McGowen.Also making a presentation was Nick Hawkey, representing the Carbon-Mountaineers Marine Corps League 996, who presented a Good Citizenship Award in recognition of his leadership skills and Gail Maholick of the Beltzville Lions Club also presented a Community Service Award to recognize Miller to recognized his service to the community.Garred is a 2012 graduate of Tamaqua High School. In the fall, he will attend Lehigh Carbon Community College to study construction management. He has accepted a position with Dean Ahner Construction.M&S Hardware, Tamaqua, assisted with the project by donating paint, children's mats and other supplies; Lowe's, Lehighton, donated supplies; and Barbara Zehner of the 443 Flower Tent donated flowers, which Garred and his Troop sold to raise funds for the project. Garred was also assisted by James and Brittney Pompa, also of the Flower Tent.