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Weatherly council protests ambulance service change

One issue that came up Monday during the Weatherly borough meeting that clearly disturbed council members was a notification received from APTS, the company which has provided the advanced life support ambulance services to the borough for many years, that it had been replaced by Med Stat of Hazleton.

"I am unaware of any problems or complaints against APTS," said the Mayor Tom Connors. "We have confirmed this with our solicitor; this is a decision to be made by the council. Who ever made this decision had no right to do so."A member of the Weatherly Ambulance Association was present, and admitted that the association's board made the decision and that they were unaware that they did not have the authority to do so. He said the decision was based on the new company, Med Stat, being able to respond possibly two minutes faster than APTS."I understand that two minutes may be important in saving a life," Connor said. "But so is experience and a good working relationship with our police, fire and ambulance. If there have been no problems then we don't want to make a change."Connor stressed that the council's door is always open to discuss a change if there is a problem in the future.Another somewhat controversial issue was brought to the council by resident Glen Baker. Baker said the deputy code enforcement officer Thomas Figas is unfairly targeting him and harassing him."He has been to my house seven times in two weeks," Baker said. "I got a citation on Friday, and two more the following Monday."Baker said he had tried to do what Figas asked, but as soon as he takes care of one thing, something else is a problem."What made me stop was when he told me he and his son could help me clean up the property," Baker said. "I say, 'sure, for a price, I bet,' and he tells me, 'I'm not doing it for nothing. That's just wrong.'"Baker also pointed out that, in his opinion, Figas has numerous violations on his own property.Borough manager Harold Pudliner agreed to look into the citations."You can handle this a couple of ways," Connors said. "You can clean up your property, or if you really think you are not in violation, go to the hearing, let the judge decide who is right."The township is also anticipating the arrival of two new police vehicles, and the borough voted to advertise the 2007 Chevrolet Tahoe and the 2010 Ford Crown Victoria for sale as soon as the new police cars are received.