Coaldale fire capt. always ready to serve
Coaldale Fire Department Captain Kyle Zwiesdak demonstrated the qualities which define firefighters: bravery, loyalty and unceasing hard work.
Zwiesdak, 32, who died unexpectedly on Wednesday, could always be depended upon, according to the firefighters who knew him best.
“You knew when you gave him the task, it was going to be done, and it was going to be done right,” said Steven Polischak, Coaldale Fire Department Chief.
For the majority of his life, Zwiesdak was a firefighter. He started as a junior firefighter with Summit Hill Fire Department at age 14. He became a senior firefighter immediately when he turned 18.
He moved from Summit Hill to Coaldale, where he served as a lieutenant and later, as engine captain. In that role, he was the chief’s eyes inside the operation, responsible for providing updates and requesting additional resources.
On a scene, firefighters knew that Zwiesdak was rock solid. If he was leading the way, he would never lead a firefighter into a dangerous situation. If he was following, they could count on him to stay by their side.
“If he went in with you, he was coming out with you. He would have stayed till the bitter end without a second thought,” said Louie Mitchalk, second assistant chief with Summit Hill Fire Department.
Zwiesdak had a particular ability at solving the technical problems that firefighters face. He had a special ability when it came to rescues involving vehicles or ropes. Those situations often require outside the box thinking, something he excelled at.
Because he progressed from junior firefighter up through the ranks, Zwiesdak was a role model that young firefighters could look up to. Mitchalk said he agreed to any assignment he was given, and was the first to sign up for training.
The news of Zwiesdak’s passing came as a horrible shock for those who knew him.
“It’s rough. To have something like this happen, out of nowhere, really hits home,” Polischak said.
His cousin Huntre Keip said, “When Kyle would be involved in something, he gave it his all. Whether it was being involved with the Coaldale Fire Company or raising his daughter Morgan, he was a stable figure who you’d know would be there through it all. Growing up, I remember having family functions, good times and bad, I always knew Kyle would be around because he loved his family.
“He loved being a father and involving Morgan in the things he loved - mechanical work and cars. He was a dedicated firefighter for his community. I remember seeing his pager on his belt on the holidays and how willing he was to serve even during the holidays.”
Zwiesdak’s loyalty to his fellow firefighters was matched only by his loyalty to his family. His daughter Morgan usually wasn’t far from his side.
“He was hardworking, a good blue-collar kid, good dad, always wanted better for the family and always tried to make it happen. A good salt of the earth dude,” Mitchalk said.
Friends of the family have already started getting the word out on Facebook about decals being sold in his memory, with proceeds going to his family. Bracelets are available too.
His obituary appears on Page 4 today.